Food & Drink12 mins ago
Getting rid of Jehovahs Witnesses
79 Answers
There used to be a marvelous site on the 'net, called The Encyclopedia Of Stupid, which is sadly no longer with us, but I am grateful to it for the following fool-proof way of getting rid of Jehovah's Witnesses:::
Apparently, if you are a JW, and you do something ghastly, like perhaps having a small glass of wine with your lunch, you become persona non grata with your local Kingdom Hall. You become what is known as "Disfellowshipped"
All JW's are then supposed to shun you in a very serious way and avoid you like the plague. So, next time you are in the middle of making dinner, and the doorbell goes and its a couple of these pests standing there, don't tell them to bugger off, or something more Anglo Saxon. This can be fun of course but its just not effective enough. What you need is some really permanent.
Just tell them that you have been "Disfellowshipped" and they will run back down your front path, as fast as their little legs will carry them, as if the very devil was after them !
More importantly, your address will be added to their "Black List" and you will never be bothered ever again !
Apparently, if you are a JW, and you do something ghastly, like perhaps having a small glass of wine with your lunch, you become persona non grata with your local Kingdom Hall. You become what is known as "Disfellowshipped"
All JW's are then supposed to shun you in a very serious way and avoid you like the plague. So, next time you are in the middle of making dinner, and the doorbell goes and its a couple of these pests standing there, don't tell them to bugger off, or something more Anglo Saxon. This can be fun of course but its just not effective enough. What you need is some really permanent.
Just tell them that you have been "Disfellowshipped" and they will run back down your front path, as fast as their little legs will carry them, as if the very devil was after them !
More importantly, your address will be added to their "Black List" and you will never be bothered ever again !
This is worthy of a place on the Viz top tips page.
Dis fellowshippi ng I assume is the same thing as Shunning? Never quite understood that myself - they seem quite happy to approach strangers, chock-full of sinful living and worse might worship a different god, but they shun their own because they fell off the wagon a little?
S cientologist s do it to...
09:03 Fri 30th Nov 2012
uncyclopedia is quite amusing about them http ://u ncyc lope dia. wiki m/wi ki/J ehov ah%2 7s_W itne sses
Thanks bibs, although I always thinks its difficult to mock the already ridiculous.
I miss the Encyclopedia of Stupid. It was full of really usefull tips about all sorts of things, not just daft religions. Perhaps it will surface again soon.
And can get Disfellowshipped for all sorts of things, like gambling, fornication ( ! ) inter-faith activities ( ? ) and smoking :::
http ://e n.wi kipe dia. org/ wiki /Jeh ovah %27s _Wit ness es_a nd_c ongr egat iona l_di scip line #Dis fell owsh ippi ng
I miss the Encyclopedia of Stupid. It was full of really usefull tips about all sorts of things, not just daft religions. Perhaps it will surface again soon.
And can get Disfellowshipped for all sorts of things, like gambling, fornication ( ! ) inter-faith activities ( ? ) and smoking :::
This is worthy of a place on the Viz top tips page.
Disfellowshipping I assume is the same thing as Shunning? Never quite understood that myself - they seem quite happy to approach strangers, chock-full of sinful living and worse might worship a different god, but they shun their own because they fell off the wagon a little?
Scientologists do it to apparently.instructing members to sever all contact with "suppressive" personalities - those who have left the church, or family and friends which have a jaundiced view of the cult.
I suppose a good shunning for leaving the faith beats a good death for apostates that some religions threatened :)
Disfellowshipping I assume is the same thing as Shunning? Never quite understood that myself - they seem quite happy to approach strangers, chock-full of sinful living and worse might worship a different god, but they shun their own because they fell off the wagon a little?
Scientologists do it to apparently.instructing members to sever all contact with "suppressive" personalities - those who have left the church, or family and friends which have a jaundiced view of the cult.
I suppose a good shunning for leaving the faith beats a good death for apostates that some religions threatened :)
Now if ALL religions shunned me because I wasn't "one of them", what a happy world that would be.
Imagine, no pink-cheeked American boys, wanting to talk you about Mormon, no woolly-hatted chapel ladies putting bits of paper through your letterbox, and none of those scruffy urchins, singing "away in a manger" tunelessly every bloody Xmas !
Bliss !
Imagine, no pink-cheeked American boys, wanting to talk you about Mormon, no woolly-hatted chapel ladies putting bits of paper through your letterbox, and none of those scruffy urchins, singing "away in a manger" tunelessly every bloody Xmas !
Bliss !
What a laugh! Your information is incorrect.
I love a glass of wine, in fact I even drink brandy.
If we meet someone who says they are disfellowshipped
we don't run away.
We do not have a "black list".
And to be able to leave, you are quite free to do so there
are no steps or procedures to take, you just stop.
I love a glass of wine, in fact I even drink brandy.
If we meet someone who says they are disfellowshipped
we don't run away.
We do not have a "black list".
And to be able to leave, you are quite free to do so there
are no steps or procedures to take, you just stop.
Some of my previous methods for getting rid of them have included:
Answering the door inadvertently still holding the (large) bread knife I was using in the kitchen before they rang.
Telling them I can't speak to anyone as it is a condition of my bail terms.
Telling them I thought they were the undertakers coming to pick up the body
Answering the door inadvertently still holding the (large) bread knife I was using in the kitchen before they rang.
Telling them I can't speak to anyone as it is a condition of my bail terms.
Telling them I thought they were the undertakers coming to pick up the body
So you can confirm that disfellowshipping actually occurs, Truthabounds? I have certainly seen several anecdotal stories about people being shunned, and it appears to a practice sufficiently well known that it has a place in Wiki.
I understand the practice can be very distressing for those who have family members still within the church - some of those shunned have been sufficiently exercised by the process to describe it as a form of implicit social blackmail/coercion.
http ://e n.wi kipe dia. org/ wiki /Shu nnin g#Je hova h.27 s_Wi tnes ses
Again, referring to Wiki, Shunning is decided by a judicial panel -presumably men - and is applied where there is evidence of a serious sin - and when you look at the list - sex out of wedlock, homosexuality, adultery, apostasy, reviling - demonstrates the obsession and continual hang-ups most of these patriarchal cults have with human sexuality. It would seem that their god is still a jealous god, since apostasy is a serious sin, and whatever you say, dont curse.
Does shunning have an expiration date?
It is a pity about the black list though - any additional protections from doorstep evangelists would be welcomed. We all have god to thank that such cults are so irrelevant in modern day society....
I understand the practice can be very distressing for those who have family members still within the church - some of those shunned have been sufficiently exercised by the process to describe it as a form of implicit social blackmail/coercion.
Again, referring to Wiki, Shunning is decided by a judicial panel -presumably men - and is applied where there is evidence of a serious sin - and when you look at the list - sex out of wedlock, homosexuality, adultery, apostasy, reviling - demonstrates the obsession and continual hang-ups most of these patriarchal cults have with human sexuality. It would seem that their god is still a jealous god, since apostasy is a serious sin, and whatever you say, dont curse.
Does shunning have an expiration date?
It is a pity about the black list though - any additional protections from doorstep evangelists would be welcomed. We all have god to thank that such cults are so irrelevant in modern day society....
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