Jake, as far as I can see nobody has suggested that a golden age of Muslim scholarship didn't exist - simply that Mohammed, supposedly the sole author of the Koran - and reputedly illiterate - didn't live during that 'golden age' and therefore cannot be numbered among those scholars. Unless you believe that Mohammed actually received the Koran directly from Allah, in which case Allah didn't know his science, then a little research will reveal that Mohammed took his information from the works of other, earlier civilisations, including the Greeks - and he included some of their errors in his masterpiece. In fact only recently I asked Keyplus what happened to the Islam of that golden age, which no one denies existed, so actually, I think it's pretty poor form of you to attempt to support your argument by bringing anti-Islamic propaganda accusations into the discussion when the reality is nothing of the sort. The facts speak for themselves and they are available to anyone who cares to read them.