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Finding Old Friends And Teachers

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Explorer-8 | 22:33 Fri 18th Dec 2015 | Society & Culture
11 Answers
I have been thinking about the teachers from my school days in the early 1970s. I would like to be able to locate one or two of them, to know what happened to them after I left school in 1974. Is there a way of doing this? I want to do it before they have all grown too old or died. There is only a short window of opportunity.


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You could also try Friends Reunited.
well all mine are retired in the village where they taught ! - and taught the second generation if you get my meaning

steel yourself for questions like 'WERE you in my class ? Oh I dont remember' or " the one i really remember went off to prison. that wasnt you was it ? "

I assisted my niece same surname with her science practical write up and the examiners wrote to the skool and asked if she were a female teenage einstein [ this is my story and a good'un ] - and as the science master preened himself on rearing a genius, he never mused to her: your uncle - he was good at science as well wasnt he ?

One 95 y o remembered me as a five year old ( no she didnt remember me when she was aged 5 )

My old Grammar School (even though no longer there) has its own webpage with news, Old Boy associations and Reunions, etc. Can you get a phone number to see if they do? or have a Google
Were you in my class?
One of my form teachers also taught my son !
She was newly qualified and I was in my last year.
I have found some of my old friends on "Friends Reunited", going back to 1958 !

Its a very user-friendly site, with very little of the problems associated with ruddy Facebook...try it !
Please remember that we are not old teachers ... rather ex teachers!!
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It was a school reunion group on Facebook that got me thinking about it. Unfortunately none of my teachers are on Facebook. I've learned that some of them are still alive. I've mentioned a few names, but some of them were only at the school for one year, or only a few years, so nobody else on the Facebook group remembers them unfortunately. The youngest of these teachers will be aged in their mid-70s now. The school has since been demolished, so I assume all the school records have gone with it. I only want to contact one of them (my English teacher), or maybe two.
Don't dismiss the idea that the school records no longer exist. Try your local County Archives (your local council will provide the contact details). The school records in existence just prior to demolition of the building will most likely have been stored there along with stuff like photographs, sports cups etc.

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