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Mobile Phones

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Bazile | 12:41 Tue 02nd Feb 2016 | Society & Culture
44 Answers
The mobile phone has certainly advanced a great deal in terms of it's technology since it's invention ; and is now as common as the automobile .

Dare i say it's a device that's taken over our existence .

I was stationary in a queue of traffic , when a bus pulled up alongside me - i glanced over into the bus and couldn't help noticing that almost all of the passengers were looking downwards in front of them - i.e looking at their mobile phones .

Are you one of those people that would literally be lost without their mobile phone ?


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Have to admit though that I had a worrying couple of hours yesterday when I couldn't find mine (I use it a lot for texting), and couldn't call it from landline because I had put it on Silent for the evening. I eventually found it in a drawer...I'd picked it up by mistake with a pile of clean laundry. It taught me a lesson though, I shan't put it on Silent again,....I mean, who is gonna phone or text me between hours of 2.30am and 8.30 am when I'm usually asleep?

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Baths, I can locate mine from my pc so at least I can tell if I've lost it in the house
Eeeek, hc, don't scare me with this magic you peeps can perform....:p

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I would not be lost but I would not want to be without it as I use it for lots of things, most of them nothing to do with phoning people.

And yes, one of their great advantages is that you can use it as a great excuse to shut yourself away from your surroundings :-)
Went for a pub lunch last summer in St Andrews (university town). Six young folk at the next table and not a word was spoken, all to busy texting Why go out with friends and not talk to them?
Yes I would be lost without mine, I dont use it a lot when out and about, but I do use it.
Its great when in an unfamiliar city and need to find a certain shop, "map" or sat nav will you take you there.

Great to have internet access when you need it, and always useful to have a good camera with me as well.

That's without all the emergency situations you could find yourself in.
If mine is stolen as soon as they try to access it, it takes a photo of them and sends it to my email address along with the GPS location.

All good stuff. my experience any calls late evening/early hours is ALWAYS bad news.
Is this the next step in human evolution, I have it on good authority that all new babies will be born with one hand enclosing an ear ( as humans are prone to be seen walking along)
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whiskeryron - in a few thousand years babies will be born with a 'mobile phone' integrated into the ear
@ ummm, yep, that's true, but I still have a landline ;)

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I'd have trouble looking in my ear for google maps ☺☺☺
I would miss my mobile phone but it doesn't do anything other than receive calls and text and make calls and texts.
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You will also have the technology to project an image ( map ) in front of your face , from a voice command to the phone

See ? - there you are - sorted :-)
Well I don’t spend my time wandering around looking down but I will say that there have been times when it has never been out of my reach or switched off...always when there has been serious illness in the family...and at those times, yes I would have been lost without it. Like hc, I use mine for reminders, alarms, shopping lists, GPS, as a camera, for the weather, for banking, for quickly sharing things with my distant family and on and on. I like to visit gardens that open under the the NGS scheme and the phone is handy for taking a photo of the plant with label.
When I am out and about I have no desire to be watching films, using the internet, etc, etc and, unless it is highly important, I have no wish to be contactable! Like ummm,I often don't know where my mobile is and when I want to use it the battery is flat. It is not an important part of my life.
I think a lot of people that say they dont use their phones much etc. probably would if they knew the capabilities of their phone and knew how to use it etc.

I may be wrong!
Yes Baz...I'm afraid I would !

I take freelance work and most of it comes through my iphone, as the companies I work for use email and text as business tools. Occasionally, I leave the ruddy thing on top of fridge when I go out to work and I am looking for it all day. When I get home, there is always 5-10 important messages that I have missed.

Its an essential bit of kit nowadays for me !
Hi Bazile, not lost, I'd miss it though. I've just shared a lift with three students, all female, all engrossed in their phones, a totally silent journey. I wish I'd have introduced myself now & asked who they were & what they were studying! What would their reaction have been?
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No. I've recently got an iPhone after years with a basic Samsung, but I'm not that crazy about it. I could definitely live without the iPhone if I just got a bog standard phone again. I have recently done just that, bought a basic bog standard phone & put my iPhone away in a draw ( as I am on payg with O2, the smartphone was constantly searching & costing me a fortune)

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