The reactionary media doesn't care they have said nothing else for the last year. Republican led media especialy fox have been constantly trying to get her convicted, the republican party has had 33 hearings at vast cost to the US taxpayer and found nothing.
Mean while Trump cofesses to sexual asault, thats not locker talk, its an admission of sexual assault and the media brush it off.
Trump runs a "university" that basicaly is a scam to defraud people and the media brush it off.
Trump sets up a charitable foundation and uses the money to pay his debts while not giving a penny of his own to it and the media brush it off.
Trump encourages a foriegn power to undermine the democratic process and the media brush it off.
There are so many scandals attached to this scumbag its not funny but finally he has made America the laughing stock of the world, ruined a once great democracy and destroyed the republican party, you'll be lucky if the Democrats get voted out in your lifetime