I am always intrigued by the popular notion that Muslim women are 'oppressed' because they are forced to wear a burka.
Therefore, the response is, if we oppress them by forcing them not to wear a burka, that is somehow a solution to the oppression issue.
The simple fact is, westerners do not like burkas because they make them uneasy, and frightened, and I can completely understand that, but I would prefer a greater degree of honesty in the debate.
Some who actually thinks -
"Burkas are really strange and disquieting to me, and I don't like them … "
but says -
"Burkas are a sign of oppression and I want them banned …"
are in the same bracket as people who actually think -
"I really like chasing foxes around the countryside because I find the thrill of the chase exciting …"
but says
"Fox hunting is a country pursuit and townies don't understand country ways …"
Be honest - you'll get far more respect in the long run.