Have you ever met anyone who boasted about their life – and you subsequently discovered they were trying to pull the wool over your eyes? We met a couple on holiday once…. she was ‘in fashion’ she told us loftily - and he was ‘in furniture’. It turned out she worked in a dress shop and he drove a removals van. Oops! :o)
That's interesting Zacs, there is a sort of inverted snobbery if people legitimately have something or do something which is unusual or more expensive than average. I remember Orangerygate on here really clearly.
I actually have to dumb down what I do, otherwise people make judgements.
Spot on, there were two ABers who should remain nameless Ummmm and Anneasquith who would always call my anecdotes as fantasy, so like you, I had to play them down...LOL
I'm not sure you're talking about your career there, Sqad. Possibly somthing which might have ended your career in these 'enlightened times' but not the job itself ;-)