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People Who Boast

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naomi24 | 17:34 Wed 17th Jul 2019 | Society & Culture
105 Answers
Have you ever met anyone who boasted about their life – and you subsequently discovered they were trying to pull the wool over your eyes? We met a couple on holiday once…. she was ‘in fashion’ she told us loftily - and he was ‘in furniture’. It turned out she worked in a dress shop and he drove a removals van. Oops! :o)


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I Rembrandts being called orange because I tan easily and certain ones changing their avs to something orange haha,back in the day,but I still tan very easily and it doesn't wash off :-)
#remember# who brought artists into this haha
I missed orangerygate, what was it about?
Lady CG said something in passing about her orangery, nothing wrong with that at all. I also have an orangery in my house here (UK)- and then the sniping started about 'showing off' and all the usual inverted snobbery nonsense that goes on and essentially (I think it was that thread) we got torn to smithereens.
Now can you imagine a thread about holidays let's say and imagine someone was very wealthy and had a yacht and said 'I'm going to spend some time on my yacht'- they'd get crucified and accused of boasting/ bragging/ showing off etc, all because they legitimately had something nice.
*I don't have a yacht or private jet or anything like that as a disclaimer* but someone might so why should they be made to feel awful?
Would anyone like to come with me on holiday to Grimsby?
Basically, Wolf, the topic of conversation was about eating at the table versus eating off your lap. Anyone who declared that they routinely ate a table was perceived to be looking down on those who didn't.

Mamya joked about an orangery and I mentioned that my parents had recently built one on their house (total waste of money in my opinion).

I was accused variously of bragging, being pretentious and so on.

The usual site bullies started it and then a bunch of others joined in for good measure.
I'll go and read the link in a minute.

All that I can say is that I find many people very confusing.

I can't see the point of bickering with strangers over something so unimportant. I am about to eat my Satsumas straight from the little net.
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And there's me thinking I'd posted my question in Society & Culture. Not a lot of either going on here recently.

Back to the topic.
Boasting is a sign of insecurity , I'd rather have nothing than 'pretend' to have something
// so we replaced the sign saying 'Mathematics' with one saying 'Hard Sums Department' // Chris

I am trying to get a nephew ( IT) do so some maff to aid his job, and he snarled ( I was gonna pay ) "I can add!"

so I said - ah what about a course like 'More Adding'?
Frankly, I feel that I cannot lower myself to engage in this tish-tosh. However, as soon as Bensonmum, my head Butler returns from Georgetown, Grand Cayman where he is at present checking on my numerous off-shore accounts I shall enquire of him if he might be interested in opining upon the OP. By-the by, yes, I do have an orange tree; however, unfortunately the damned thing is growing up one of the many chimneys on my property. I should add, my property in Italy. Perhaps I should ask Lorenzo, my senior gardener, to remove it and take it back to his village and feed some of the unfortunates living there.
I boast that I don’t boast.
yes - no - I associate with men equipped like Sqad with a surfeit of shyness and self deprecation
having worked with no less than three whose siblings have a Nobel Prize.

Presumably they were silent in order to avoid the crushing AB one liner of - "why aint you got one den?" which they might have heard too many times previously. And had tired from a lifetimes simpering and whispering o well you know ....

Oh and six girls ( one father between them) who didnt know their father was a doctor. For chrissakes, you must have noticed him.... no they didnt .... perhaps he hadnt
Sanmac please don't refer to my community as "unfortunates" again. Sorry, not Sanmac.. Sir... Sir please don't refer to my community as "unfortunates".
My stepdad does that. He is always going on and on about his time in the army where he was supposed to have fought in Burma, been in the SAS, Guarded the Queen, was not allowed to be called or jury service due to the "sensitive nature of his military record", nor was he allowed to have his photo taken and published.. all this rubbish comes out time after time but then I caught him out with his dates. They didnt tally with the age he was supposed to have been so I looked up his war record. He had been a Corporal in the regular army, never stationed anywhere overseas and worked in supplies for the 7 years he was there. Nothing dangerous or exciting.
sanmac... a little hint of one of my favourite movies there... Murder by Death is a classic..
Yes, the Butler. You're right, a great movie...Hilarious and well acted.
Would having a private number plate, be a form of boasting ??
What is wrong with having a private number plate?
We have 3 of them between us.

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