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Anyone Feel Guilty For Venturing Out?

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nailit | 17:53 Mon 06th Apr 2020 | Society & Culture
165 Answers
Letter in my local rag a few days ago castigating people that ''Always seemed to be out'' ''They need reporting'' etc.
FGS, people still go to work, still need to shop, still need to take care of others who CANT get out.
And yet...Im starting to feel a little paranoid about it all.
I need to shop (when I get the chance), I need to go to work and I need to visit my sick and housebound mother....

Too many curtain twitchers for my liking!



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APG - good for you. Just keep on doing what you feel you can.
APG, I was quite taken aback last night at your totally uncalled for attack on Minty, I’d have thought someone with your vulnerability would have seen what she’s doing in her community , she should have been praised and not scorned
I agree with that Bobbie. I wish I had a neighbour like her.
I’m lucky, we have LJ x
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LadyJanine Are you having difficulty getting shopping? Do you have a local FB page you can access to perhaps ask for help?
Eughhh, Sherry, hell noooo lol
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I wasn't referring to you Bobbi lol!
APG, are you not concerned with regards to your compromised immunity and the possibility of toxoplasmosis? I understand Sheep are one of the high risk factors.
I'm sure with an auto immune disease you are worried every day but you have to just live life don't you really.
Unless the gov forces us to stay home lol, but it's fine with me, we're saving lives by staying home.
APG - no I have a car and can easily drive to village and nearest town (only 8 miles away) to get what we want. Limiting that to once a fortnight or three weeks. Just a bit stir crazy as no neighbours and only real friend lives just over an hour drive away so can't see her. Because of her family health she is also self-isolating. I have been unwell for a couple of years or so and only now starting to go out but still have breathing difficulties so will continue to stay at home as much as poss. A cold would be bad and this virus would probably kill so will just stay put as much as possible.
Please stay safe, lady j xx
To a degree, td... but right now, there is no point in taking extra, possibly dangerous, avoidable risks.
Gness @ 20.08:
"Well that's a reply from a man no balls, 10C, for all his spouting and pontificating"
I'm impressed, Gness! How did you know I had no balls? You can't have heard my high pitched voice, so how did you know? Wow! :o)
Thanks Pixie. I am doing my best. There is so much I still want to see and do. I just hope everyone else stays well. Spoke to daughter yesterday evening and she sounded a bit better but of course still worried about her. She has enough food in and so is continuing to self-isolate. She seems to be sleeping a lot.
Is she ill with it, lady J? One difficulty is not being able to be with ill relatives, necessary, but would feel so unnatural.
Zacs I've had Toxoplasmosis, or at least I have immunity as I was tested years ago when I was pregnant. Anyway these days I don't get involved at the business end, I bottle feed any orphan lambs and feed the lambs and ewes inside in the pens if I feel up to it. My contribution these days is walking around with a pair of binoculars and a mobile phone.
Pixie most unfortunately. But she is classed as an essential worker and spends most of her time coming into contact with public so I suppose it was almost inevitable. Some of her co-workers are also suffering and even worse some have died. I know I can't go to see her but I still worry.
Ah, OK.

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