MissT - // All supposition Andy. //
But I am happy to base my view on what the media have said over a long period of time.
As are you and other posters.
We are all making assumptions that fit with out personal viewpoint - whether it be that Andrew is an immoral moron, or that Virginia Giuffre is whatever you want her to be, from a victim of traficking to an all-knowing harlot, or any shade in between.
But that does not entitle any of us to take the moral high ground, and look down on those with views different from our own, since we all have the same source material to inform our opinions.
You can disagree, no problem, but you can't criticise me for doing what you, and everyone else on the thread, is doing - putting forward a viewpoint.
None of us know the facts, or the people involved, so all our views are as valid, or not, as each other's.
I'm fine with that, but i won't sit still and be criticised for doing the same as my critic(s) - that' not how debate works.