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When Does An 'Ordinary' Muslim Become An Extremist?

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naomi24 | 10:31 Tue 23rd Jan 2024 | Society & Culture
520 Answers

We're often told that there is a difference between 'ordinary' Muslims and extremists, so ignoring those who call for violence and Islamic domination as they march in support of Palestine, but thinking only of the Muslim school children and their parents and supporters who are making news by intimidating students into adopting the hijab, to observe Islamic fasting rituals, and to withdraw from some school activities because they are considered 'haram';   the student who is battling her school in court (at the taxpayers' expense) for the 'right' to pray during school hours, the protestors outside schools, causing one to close early in order to protect staff and pupils, and those who are threatening teachers to the extent that they fear travelling on public transport, one of whom is still, after a very long time, in hiding.   The people who are responsible for all of this carry on their regular everyday lives living among us.  Are they 'ordinary' Muslims - or are they extremists? 



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Khandro, no, the mosques aren't any more fabulous than our great cathedrals - but that's beside the point really.

I think the Blue Mosque actually is.



//When Does An 'Ordinary' Muslim Become An Extremist?//

At Birth apparently!



Retrocop - Do you seriously imagine that a child of that age understands the twisted immorality his father is making him act out?

It's about causing an outrage, nothing more, and clearly, in your case, it has succeeded. 

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No he doesnt understand it - but he will - and, no it isn't about causing outrage.  It's about educating that child.  Plenty more where he came from.

It's about getting Westerners to throw their hands up in horror.

Retrocop and you - job done.


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Radical Islam doesn't give a damn what westerners think, Andy Hughes.  You're demonstrating exactly what I referred to yesterday.  You're endowing them a western mindset - and it's something they simply don't possess.


If anyone is interested, look at the way that baby is using that knife.  That's training.

Naomi - You are mistaken - again.

You should know by now naomi. Every one is mistaken unless they agree with the site's pompous, know-all.

AH: "Retrocop - Do you seriously imagine that a child of that age understands the twisted immorality his father is making him act out?" - not in isolation but he soon will with continual reinforcement as his father turns him into a brainwashed loony like he is.

//It's about causing an outrage, nothing more, and clearly, in your case, it has succeeded. //

It doesn't cause outrage in me in the slightest.

It shows to me father demonstrating to his fellow Islamists what a good mentor he is and bringing up his young toddler to become an Islamist killing machine. Brainwashing him. 

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Don't bother arguing with him.  

Ok, I won't. 

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Retrocop, that child is in training.

Retrocop - Pavlov's ringing the bell, you have to react, it's automatic....


OK, If you naomi can stop pretending that you actually know what training anyone to use a knife, never mind a todler who can barely hold it, and you retrocop can stop being pointlessly offensive because someone disagrees with you on something - try this for a scenario - 

I am a fanatical Muslim extremist (I am actually a psychopath, but I make myself feel better by pretending that my murderous impluses serve my religion) and I despise anything Western, including their obsession with their pointless 'social media' nonsense.

When my son is old enough, hopefully he will be as twisted and deranged as I am, and I can teach him to hate Westerners as well.

But in the mean time, why don't I use that 'social media' nonsense to wind up a few Westerners who like to believe everything they see on it.

I will pose my son. beheading a teddy bear.

He has no idea what he's doing, but when you hve a mind as twisted as mine, manipulating your own child is a piece of cake.

None of my fellow Muslim fanatics will have the slightest interest in this, but if I post it on that 'social media', then a load of gullible Westerners will pass it around themselves and get all upset and angry and hate us like we hate them.


All it takes is - 

One child who hasn't a clue what a knife is - check.

A video camera - check.

Access to social media - check.

A twisted sense of mischief, to make people believe this is a propaganda film for other Muslims, who would laugh at such gullibility - check.

A few gullible Westerners to pass the film around and huff and puff their self-rigteousness to each other - check.

Result - for minimal effort - maximum upset and bigotry development - check.

Now I'm not saying that this is how it is - I don't do sweeping statements without more evidence that simply interpreting what I see in a way that chimes with my decades-old predjudices.

But try and look at it from another angle, than the farciccal idea that this film is meant for other fanatics, and not purely to wind up Westerners.

Something to think about anyway.

Or not, because you both know best ... forgot....

"The west is full of Liberals who like to make excuses for us so they will fight any negative comments and stick up for our psychotic religion, win win!"

Could we add some historic cartoons to this discussion and see where it leads?

TTT - // forgot....

"The west is full of Liberals who like to make excuses for us so they will fight any negative comments and stick up for our psychotic religion, win win!" //

Please don't try and put words in my mouth.

If i had wanted to add your nonsense into my post, I would have done so.

But since a religion cannot, of itself, be 'psychotic', it's not the sort of stupid observation I tend to make.

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