and again I get that the strong should support the weak but should they support the idle and shiftless?
We lived in the USA for a while, in New Jersey. they had brought in a scheme there where with the first child if single mother claimed benefits, she got a flat, support, daycare for the child, schooling if she needed it, real hand up stuff, which she LOST if she had another baby...then it was back to a hostel and government was working too, the only thing was that it didn't touch the males in the problem and it does take two.
I am nor going to rant but both DH and I were from the same background. Slum (seriously) housing, outdoor toilet and tin bath stylee then council housing. Everything we have has come from our own efforts and the support of our families when we were kids. I do get that some kids aren't lucky enough to have loving stable homes and I have absolutely NO problem with the strong and advantaged supporting the weak....but the weak have to make all the effort that they can.