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Religion & Spirituality

Welcome To Religion & Spirituality.

Here is the place to discuss religious and spiritual matters.

"Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fat, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in, and try and live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations."

- Monty Python's The Meaning of Life

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Atheists read the Bible and find plenty to criticise it. However it so cleverly written, that there are levels of understanding at so many levels in even the most simple texts. Many texts have been...
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Weve had our spats on here and biblical apologetics has been done to death. But Im genuinely interested... When you read the Old Testament, what does your conscience say? When you read of God ordering...
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Bible believers (or Koran believers) justify it.......
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Why cant people just accept that life is a mystery without inventing religion to account for it? My own personal journey has gone from being a 'born again' teenage Christian to looking into everything...
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The constant complaint from the AB religious is why do us non-believers spend time and energy refuting the posts of the religious. (it could be argued why do the religious post things knowing full...
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Offended, delighted, favourites? For various reasons, the stage production of the musical ‘Godspell’ is and always will be very special to me; ‘Joseph’ I love - so funny - and who could forget...
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How can anybody wanting to worship God or wanting to search for Him ever step into a Roman Catholic Church given their recent revelations about criminal and pervasive sexual abuse with both adults and...
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I read some years ago, that a frog, put into a pan of water that is heated up, will get so used to the change in temperature, that it will not try to escape but stay until it dies. Don't know if that...
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Having just reread through Naomi's post re: Jesus, I realise that all through my early church indoctrination, I never got any satisfactory explanation about the biblical character of Satan. I got the...
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It seems to me (both on AB and in real life) that the reasons why religious believers and religious doubters differ in their opinions is because of the way that we process information. Either...
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//It was written. It happened.// But the question is why did it happen?...
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70AD and Ksrael was destroyed as prophecied. Then as prophecied, the Jews, were gathered together and the modern state of Israel was born. That's what the Bible said, that's what happened. So is that...
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Before we carried away, could we establish the necessity, or otherwise, of Moral laws to help us exist peacefully with each other? Fine if you agree. Fine if you don't....
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ASSUMING THE MAN SAURON EXISTED, who do you think he might have been – and what are your reasons for reaching your conclusion?...
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I don't want to pop my clogs and miss out on obituaries. So to give me a flavour of what will be written, any chance of letting me know now what will be said? So come on, the nice ones, the horrible...
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Does anyone here feel sad that the Catholic church is still in thrall to superstition? Apparently Cardinal Newman is close to beatification following an alleged miracle that he performed. He may even...
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It is essential in order to comprehend that which is transcendent - which encompasses the spiritual, the religious and aesthetic appreciation within human existence and experience - to put aside the...
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In response to Nailit’s observation that “It’s gone a bit quiet on here”, in an effort to generate a little discussion that might be of interest to all, ASSUMING THE MAN JESUS EXISTED, who do...
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Theland hasn't posted for 10 days. Hope hes OK? I know he's had a few health problems recently. Come back Theland. R&S is dying without you.... (There's nothing for atheists/non...
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We all consider ourselves to be, "moral beings," who live according to a set of rules and standards. So how do you determine what rules to follow? Do you expect everybody to follow the same rules as...

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