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naomi24 | 23:36 Sat 26th Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
161 Answers
....surely the saddest and cruellest of afflictions, and often suffered by the gentlest and kindest people. How does religion justify that?


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Looks like God is a Nazi doctor then.
It has no boundaries - the most intelligent of people can get it. What I find sad is that people who have always used their brains to remember things, such as actors having to learn their lines - in particular, Ronald Reagan and Charlton Heston, but I am sure there are many more examples. What happens to those very active brains to make them forget their lives. It is no respector of persons.
I agree with you Naomi, it can be seen from both directions and both are correct.

Every month I have to fill out forms from the courts to enable us to deprive these people of their liberty.

One of the questions is: Type of Dementia....with a list of varying types of Dementia, Alzheimers is one of them.
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It may be one of the questions on the list - but it isn't simply dementia. Far from it. Anyway, shall we leave that there because it isn't addressing the question.
It's about as clear a 'proof' that god doesn't exist as one can get.

If god did exist, he would have no use nor need for Alzheimers. One of the things that is taught by all the world's major religions is that you will be punished for your sins. But what if you were unaware that you had sinned? A punishment only works if the person being punished understands what the punishment is for. If they don't understand why they are being punished then they can never repent, never be rehabilitated and never comprehend the reason for their castigation.

Punishment of a person who has no comprehension of their crime is cruel – which is why we have created the man-made law of 'diminished responsibility'.

For god to 'create' the condition known as 'Alzheimer's', he would have to be wilfully and knowingly cruel, unjust and malevolent.
i cant get my head round it myself to be honest,but,my sister has completely lost her faith over this. dementia is the most vile affliction ever. there is no end to the degradation that the once so vital,intelligent,loving person is subjected to,by their loss of ordinary function,and depending on others to do for them. by the time your loved one has reached advanced dementia,they have done things that they would never want to have done or have loved ones witnessed it.
I have a neighbour in Finland and she tells me they are the verge of curing or preventing some dementia
Watch this space
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Loss of personal dignity in dementia is terribly degrading - but in some cases of Alzheimers the problems don't stop there. Sufferers often imagine all sorts of things and live with the most appalling levels of mental anguish and torment as a result. Reflections in mirrors or windows, for example, even if it is the sufferer's own reflection, can appear intimidating and threatening, producing unprecedented levels violence and aggression in what were once gentle people. I simply cannot believe that a God of love would subject any human being to such a cruel and hateful disease - but apparently he does.
With regard to the original question, im sure the only answers they will come up with is, "its the work of the devil" or "God works in mysterious ways" both are of course absolute tosh!!
Some people can even get it in their forties and fifties.

Some forms of early onset dementia can be predicted and the person can know what they will face even before their children have matured. Realising they will never really know their grandchildren while realising what their grandchildren will know of them must be heartbreaking.

Little wonder some choose not to take the test.

Others take the test and decide to life their lives at a hectic pace to fit in a lifetime beore it descends upon them. Yes, how cruel.
it doesn't, naomi - any more than any other natural disaster, personal or global.
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Boxy, so again he's off the hook for the bad - but still receiving the accolades for the good. That guy has it made!
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Yes, indeed. The duplicity of religion, eh?
I am impressed by David Attenborough's take on the glorious god that designed our experiences for us.

My response is that when Creationists talk about God creating every individual species as a separate act, they always instance hummingbirds, or orchids, sunflowers and beautiful things. But I tend to think instead of a parasitic worm that is boring through the eye of a boy sitting on the bank of a river in West Africa, [a worm] that's going to make him blind. And [I ask them], 'Are you telling me that the God you believe in, who you also say is an all-merciful God, who cares for each one of us individually, are you saying that God created this worm that can live in no other way than in an innocent child's eyeball? Because that doesn't seem to me to coincide with a God who's full of mercy'
God is getting a bit 'long in the tooth' now possibly he is suffering from Alzheimers himself ?
In the natural world nearly every animal dies a quite dreadful death, being eaten (often while still alive) starving to death, diseases Etc. this is Gods will?
you cant just blame everything on religion, because in these cases you start to question it otherwise you do not believe in it. so in your eyes youre questioning something thats not there? be rational lol.what has alzheimers got to do with religion?
//...what has alzheimers got to do with religion?//

. . . Well, it does provide one possible explanation.
Setting aside the cause, while Alzheimers is distressing for the friends and relatives, i have known many people who have retreated happily into their own world and not been particularly distressed by it if carefully managed. I would name Parkinson's Disease, cancer, MS and Motor Neurone Disease as much crueller afflictions and these only head a long list.

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