Sith, I don't say that because you go against something I don't approve of, but because you refuse to believe indisputable facts that contradict the long outdated information contained within the Koran. If my assessment is wrong, as you say it is, how do you explain that?
Sith, many of the decisions we make are made at a subconcious and /or emotional level(in the brain) or are planted there by others before our powers of thought are fully developed. Some people use their concious brain to justify those subconcious decisions, others use their concious brain to question those decisions. Now you know this, you can decide which to be, a slave or a free person.
Sith, //i believe atheism is utter nonsense.... get that straight.//
Without explaining your reasons for making that statement, it means absolutely nothing. However, I won't push you on the matter. You can rest assured we've definitely got it straight.
Sith, >>but i believe atheism is utter nonsense,<< I will push you on this one just a bit, im sorry Sith its just that statement is so funny.
Let me explain to you what Atheism mean in simple terms :)
Atheism means "not believing in a God"
there are thousands of supposed Gods worshipped in this world everyday. How many of those Gods to you believe in Sith?
So I imagine that you only believe in just one God and that none of the other Gods exist.
“I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours.”
Sith, you chose to come here and talk about your religion so you have nothing to complain about. If you expected everyone to agree with you by denying reality and abandoning rationality, as you have, you were mistaken.
Sith, I have no problem with you being a muslim after all you are free to choose any religion you wish to belong too. why a religion though? why deliberately shackle yourself to a set of beliefs that have just been made up?
put it this way, i believe in god, but forget that for a minute, islam isnt just about god, its a way of life, guidelines, a set of rules etc. since following them i have become a better person that i was before.
Sith, can you not follow those same guidelines without adhering to the rest - like the denial of proven fact? And just out of interest, where does the role of women and the rules relating to them figure in your beliefs?
jomifl, thats a stupid question, i know because i was that person and i have done bad things, now i am good and peaceful and probably would not have been if i had kept going the way i was.