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naomi24 | 23:36 Sat 26th Nov 2011 | Religion & Spirituality
161 Answers
....surely the saddest and cruellest of afflictions, and often suffered by the gentlest and kindest people. How does religion justify that?


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yes, but that does not defeat the point that religious people can be rational. and yes i do believe in a 1500 year old book. if it wasnt that good why would it still be around today?
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Sith, I asked you a simple question which you have avoided answering.

In answer to yours, your book is still around today because people like you are determined to continue to believe things that are proven to be untrue.
you would say that...youre an atheist.
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Sith, you can't bring yourself to answer it, can you, because if you do you will have no alternative but to acknowledge the truth - and where your religion is concerned, that would never do. Your book contains false information - fact!
Sith, maybe you are right, maybe religious people can be rational, I would certainly to hope that that is true and indeed some religious people do become rational, but that is when they give up religion. ;-)
and that is why i accepted, and to your point naomi, i would have not have accepted it if i did not have full trust in it.
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Sith, think about it. How can you claim to have full trust in something that you, I, and every scientist on this planet knows with absolute certainty to be wrong? Explain that to me.
that is false, because there are a lot of scientists, both muslim and not who have not claimed or proven the quran to be false. even if it was false, it gives you basic guidelines on life and also a person who was not muslim rated Muhammed number 1 on the 100 most influential people ever. if you do not believe me, type it up. so overall, i believe its a good book to follow.
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Sith, no scientist on this earth, Muslim or otherwise, would - or could - disagree that some of the statements contained within the Koran are false.

Yes, Michael Hart rated Mohammed number 1 on his list of the most influential people, but that doesn't mean he's right, any more than it means Mohammed was right. This is one man's opinion, and it's a highly debateable opinion. Have you asked yourself why there are more Christians than Muslims? Mohammed clearly hasn't influenced them.

Sith, if you insist on clinging to a book that is demonstrably wrong to give you guidelines for life, then you have abandoned your own integrity, along with your own precious intellect. It saddens me to say it, but you have been brainwashed - and you are clearly past the point of no return.
^^ I agree with you Naomi. This is the problem that theists have, they dont believe they can cope without a guide to live their lives.

We all have morals, my morals tell me not to worship a murderous God but to treat people like I would want to be treated, to do my best to be kind to people etc, I really don't need and book to tell me, I instinctively know what is right and what is wrong! its not difficult.
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Ah but can you trust your instincts though ? And what is the point of having morals if you are here today, gone tomorrow ? Surely the only logical philosophy would be to maximise pleasure for yourself while you are here. Anything else would be perverse.
Pleasure is fleeting. Lasting happiness and fulfilment comes with an understanding of and appreciation for ones worthiness to exist which is derived from practising and maintaining rational self-interest. The pleasure a leach derives from living at the expense of another's misery is not a pleasure worthy of ones pursuit and only leads to a downward spiral of self contempt exasperating the need for worthiness that inspires one to rise above mindless self-indulgence.
Old_Geezer >>>Ah but can you trust your instincts though ? And what is the point of having morals if you are here today, gone tomorrow ? Surely the only logical philosophy would be to maximise pleasure for yourself while you are here. Anything else would be perverse.<<<

Do you really believe that? Im so glad im me and not you!!
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^^ I agree Ratter. Me too.
naomi, i am not brainwashed, just because i go against something you do not approve of that does not make me brainwashed. thats a pretty bold thing to say when you have never actually met me and dont know what i am like in real life.
morning, sith :-)

\\when you have never actually met me and dont know what i am like in real life.\\

This has never bothered the majority of ABers before.
LOL sqad :-)

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