Are there any religious folks on Answerbank who believe the Noah's Ark account as in Genesis? I mean, only 6 people left 6000 years ago, and some insects are parthenogenic so so not possible to have a pair most of the time. Not to mentioned the animals that lived on island/continents.
Or zap practically the whole of the human population without bothering to muster up the rain clouds to drown them? He didn't really think about this, did he.
Bought your new walking boots yet Sandy? the pilgrimage season approacheth, don't leave it too late, El Camino can get as hot as the hobs of hell in the summer.
just a thought, but which member of Noahs family had syphilis?
It cant live outside of the human body and since all other humans were drowned then one of them must have had it for it to carry on.
Jomifl, I have all the necessary kit from previous walks on sections of the Camino. Now, unfortunately, what I don't have is free time. Maybe some day.
jn,o insufficient covering can be conducive to the spread of syphilis,whilst at the same time too much covering can have tha same result. One of life's little conundrums.