Biblical cosmology is bunk. The same verses are tortured and twisted to suit different ideas by different people.
The bible tells us that the universe if geocentric. This was such a fundamental part of christian belief that Galileo was accused of heresy and blasphemy for suggesting otherwise. This cosmic view was held as official doctrine by the Catholic Church until very recently!
The same bible tells us that the earth is flat, the stars are fixed into a solid vault of sky, and the whole is supported by pillars and foundations.
Lets not get into the whole creation myth and all the problems with those claims.
The bible also contains that reliable guide to healthy living from the frothing at the mouth loon Leviticus.Try to live by his edicts and you will quickly go mad.
How anyone can attempt to claim the bible is the inerrant word of god is just blind- it is a heath robinson construct, in part from unknown sources, with false attributions to made up characters,, its supposed facts oral history told after the events portrayed, heavilyedited and redacted with whole gospels left out - As a fact source it is a lot less reliable than wikipedia, lets put it that way.
The bible is a man made construct,heavily edited through the centuries to suit prevailing political and religious thought - in fact, very similar to our understanding of that man made construct that is god - and what "science" is there is mostly observations through the lens of superstition.
Biblical cosmology is a joke.