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No Jihadist Islamo Fascists In N. Ireland?

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Theland | 19:21 Fri 07th Jun 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
26 Answers
Ever thought what would happen if the Muslims decided to call for Jihad on the streets of Belfast?
I do.
They wouldn't dare do it a second time.


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And any thought of an alliance of the various Loyalist groups with the now disbanded IRA is ludicrous.
Republicans, generally, supported the Palestinians. To show the depth of their understanding of the world of politics outside our backwater the loyalists took to flying the Israeli flag. There were hundreds of them all over the place not long ago.
//they watch carefully in Belfast, and don't allow Muslims to form communities. //

Or Catholics as I recall

Or really anybody different from them

And look where it got them
jake; √ :-)
not sure that it wouldn't happen, many seem bold enough here in the capital, you think that they would get short shrift, or a bullet perhaps..
is the IRA disbanded, maybe in name but i suspect that there are still plenty of members around, those who don't like the peace accord, aren't there still places in Belfast where it's dangerous for some to go
i did read some of the work by Melanie Phillips, in some parts she isn't wrong.

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