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Bazile | 12:25 Thu 25th Jul 2013 | Religion & Spirituality
129 Answers
Why dont women go to the mosque to pray - or do they .

I have not noticed women coming out of mosques


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I think Muslim women attend the mosque more often for religious instruction than for prayer.
JTP - //////You're not presenting a good image of Islam with comming out with rubbish like that Keyplus!///

What did you find that wrong with my statement?
// Women do not have to go to mosque and can perform their prayer at home. Five times a day sometimes become a bit too much for women especially if they are looking after children or have other house hold chores to do //

I don't see anything wrong with what keyplus said there. Surely he's just reflecting the facts of the domestic arrangements in the majority of muslim households. i.e women are expected to stay at home and do the chores, so they're not expected to turn up at mosque 5 times a day.
I agree with ludwig. Women may well go to each other's houses to pray, especially on Fridays, too.
^^^ But only if they have a male family member as an escort.
No crisgel, that's only in the strict countries - a large number of Muslim women of my acquaintance are perfectly free to go wherever they need to, without constant male escort.
Boxy, I think you've overlooked Ludwig's tongue stuck very firmly in his cheek. ;o)

//a large number of Muslim women of my acquaintance are perfectly free to go wherever they need to, without constant male escort. //

You say that as though it's something to be commended, but in a free world it shouldn't be an issue at all.
I thought ludwig was just stating a fact myself.

In many parts of the muslim world, most people vulnerable to the attenions of the muslim psyche need escorting,m whether they are muslim women or western males and females. Not nice, simply a fact.
He was .... in his way.

.... and I know. Nothing commendable about that either.
Well, its good of you to speak on his behalf and determine his intent.
You too.
Actually I was being serious. keyplus was being criticized for making a misogynyst comment, but I thought all he was doing was describing the way things work in his culture, which is still very much one of women being expected to look after the kids and do the housework.

fine but is that strictly true. Not to mention that in Britain, many women work, and all too often raise the family as well.
//I don't see anything wrong with what keyplus said there. Surely he's just reflecting the facts of the domestic arrangements in the majority of muslim households. i.e women are expected to stay at home and do the chores, so they're not expected to turn up at mosque 5 times a day.//

i think that what you will find is that if a muslim does not believe in what a "western" person believes than they are sexist.
Ludwig, I know you were being serious - but I thought I detected a note of irony there. Perhaps I'm mistaken.

Lightbulb, Islam is sexist.
Lightbulb247 //i think that what you will find is that if a muslim does not believe in what a "western" person believes than they are sexist. //

If a muslim believes that women are inferior to men then yes they are sexist.
That's almost the definition of sexism. Thanks for being honest about it though.
If islam is sexist, then how come so many women are accepting it?

i know, of course you are going to say because of marriage etc, but the fact remains, if islam is sexst, wh do women convert?
no, muslim men do not believe women are inferior to men, we believe men and women have different roles.
Lightbulb, //muslim men do not believe women are inferior to men//

In that case you must believe the Koran is wrong because that quite clearly states that women are inferior to men. Do you?
And one role just happens to be inferior to the other.

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