Crosswords49 mins ago
God's Right To Kill ?
82 Answers
I was talking to a group of theists and I asked them how they could justify the killing of thousands of innocent new born babies in Sodom and Gommorrah.
Their answer was God's laws are never to be broken. Their parents had sinned and the punishment was meted out to them and their descendants.
God gives us life and therefore has the right to take it away as he wishes. His justice is not to be compared with our sense of justice.
They quoted how he commanded the man who picked up sticks on God's sabbath to be stoned to death. It was an appropriate sentence because the man was deliberately defying God and there is no greater crime.
What say you ?
Their answer was God's laws are never to be broken. Their parents had sinned and the punishment was meted out to them and their descendants.
God gives us life and therefore has the right to take it away as he wishes. His justice is not to be compared with our sense of justice.
They quoted how he commanded the man who picked up sticks on God's sabbath to be stoned to death. It was an appropriate sentence because the man was deliberately defying God and there is no greater crime.
What say you ?
^^Irresponsi ble and utterly shameful, but it’s produced by the Christadelph ians, a cult very similar to the JWs, so no surprise there! Potty!
13:46 Mon 11th Nov 2013
So it's capital punishment for picking up sticks ( which might be to make a fire to keep your children warm or to cook food for them ) but it is accepted that it is essential to milk the cows so that the animals do not suffer with over-full udders, and thus the milkers are innocent of breaking the Sabbath.
Really ?
What's the difference ?
Really ?
What's the difference ?
Perhaps this product should come with a . . .
Warning: Use of this product on a Sunday may be hazardous to your health!
http:// www.liv eandlea special s/picku psticks .jpg
Warning: Use of this product on a Sunday may be hazardous to your health!
jomifl //I think the landover church is a spoof, at least I hope it is for the sake of humanity. //
I have checked out many of its bible references and they are correct. So I think humanity is doomed.
I now know why it's sometimes difficult to get into A &E or get surgery on
the weekend , all the Abrahamic doctors are observing the Sabbath.
Goodlife I trust you don't do or get any work done on the Sabbath or watch live TV.
I have checked out many of its bible references and they are correct. So I think humanity is doomed.
I now know why it's sometimes difficult to get into A &E or get surgery on
the weekend , all the Abrahamic doctors are observing the Sabbath.
Goodlife I trust you don't do or get any work done on the Sabbath or watch live TV.
/It was an appropriate sentence because the man was deliberately defying God and there is no greater crime. /
Your vicars and church goers will have no issue then with the stoning and beheading of 'sinners' and infidels by islamic fundamentalists
More evidence, as if any was needed, that one bunch of the deluded (eg christians) are no defence against another (eg muslims)
Your vicars and church goers will have no issue then with the stoning and beheading of 'sinners' and infidels by islamic fundamentalists
More evidence, as if any was needed, that one bunch of the deluded (eg christians) are no defence against another (eg muslims)
modeller @I see many sincere people are heeding the call to quit the world empire of false religion. And If you are deeply shocked by all the killing done in the name of religion,
Let take Second World War many thousands of infants were burned to death in Berlin, Tokyo, Hamburg and other enemy cities, and these were certainly regarded as legitimate military operations, So then to distinguish between killing of babes and other civilians by bombs
What does God’s Word say? It does not differentiate between the two. It is true that in times past the nation of Israel served as God’s executioner in wiping out the wicked, depraved Canaanites. But what nation today can show any mandate from God to serve as his executioner? Jehovah God, the Giver of life, alone has the right to say under what conditions human life may be taken.
Then of again, many people would think of using a gun or dropping a bomb. Might such people nevertheless be bloodguilty before God, without, perhaps, even being aware of it? Yes.
God’s law given to Moses helps us to understand the matter. True, that law code was not given to Christians; nevertheless, its viewpoint of human life is based on sound, just and reasonable principles that are ever valid.
For example, there is the question of just when a fetus might be considered a living human. While man’s laws are contradictory on this point.
The law God gave to Israel made it clear that any fetus was considered a human life. If, due to violence, a mother was deprived of her unborn child, the penalty was to be life for life. So abortions would be murder.—Ex. 21:22, 23.
It so simple for true Christians.
Let take Second World War many thousands of infants were burned to death in Berlin, Tokyo, Hamburg and other enemy cities, and these were certainly regarded as legitimate military operations, So then to distinguish between killing of babes and other civilians by bombs
What does God’s Word say? It does not differentiate between the two. It is true that in times past the nation of Israel served as God’s executioner in wiping out the wicked, depraved Canaanites. But what nation today can show any mandate from God to serve as his executioner? Jehovah God, the Giver of life, alone has the right to say under what conditions human life may be taken.
Then of again, many people would think of using a gun or dropping a bomb. Might such people nevertheless be bloodguilty before God, without, perhaps, even being aware of it? Yes.
God’s law given to Moses helps us to understand the matter. True, that law code was not given to Christians; nevertheless, its viewpoint of human life is based on sound, just and reasonable principles that are ever valid.
For example, there is the question of just when a fetus might be considered a living human. While man’s laws are contradictory on this point.
The law God gave to Israel made it clear that any fetus was considered a human life. If, due to violence, a mother was deprived of her unborn child, the penalty was to be life for life. So abortions would be murder.—Ex. 21:22, 23.
It so simple for true Christians.
Naomi I don't know what you are trying to prove. That site like hundreds more may not be as designated but the biblical references I checked on that chart were correct ! Which surely is what matters. Just about every site nowadays contain suspect blogs but if the content is found to be correct that is the important fact.
I quoted Psalm 137.9 as an example of the authors attitude to violence.
There are many variations to choose from on the web does that make them spoofs.
I quoted Psalm 137.9 as an example of the authors attitude to violence.
There are many variations to choose from on the web does that make them spoofs.
Just I thought no undestandng,I try help you, despite their having behaved in an unfaithful and depraved way, God had patience with them for hundreds of years.
The record says: “Jehovah . . . kept sending . . . his messengers, sending again and again, because he felt compassion for his people . . . But they were continually . . . despising his words and mocking at his prophets, until the rage of Jehovah came up against his people, until there was no healing.” (2 Chronicles 36:15, 16)
Yes,the people had reached a point where improvement was no longer possible, and that like you lot today.
The record says: “Jehovah . . . kept sending . . . his messengers, sending again and again, because he felt compassion for his people . . . But they were continually . . . despising his words and mocking at his prophets, until the rage of Jehovah came up against his people, until there was no healing.” (2 Chronicles 36:15, 16)
Yes,the people had reached a point where improvement was no longer possible, and that like you lot today.