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Are There Any Muslims

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wildwood | 05:16 Wed 10th Sep 2014 | Religion & Spirituality
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who frequent this R&S category and are willing to publicly declared their outrage at the atrocities carried out by extremists in the name of Islam?


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. . . or perhaps they're a scared to speak out against anything that has been done in the name of their own religion . . . sometimes silence speaks volumes.
18:30 Fri 12th Sep 2014
A radio headline this morning stated that Egypt would be key to counteracting IS - anyone hear it? I didn't hear the rest of the report to understand why particularly Egypt.
I think I heard Qatar and Saudi Arabia were criticised for funding but I think this was something to do with choice of allies and wanting to see the removal of Assad. No evidence of direct funding of IS though.
Boxtops - yes, Kerry was looking to Egypt to play a key role along with Turkey.
There could be individuals, agc but I don't think the state is now - part of the early reasoning and the creation of the opportunity was the threat of Shiiteism coming in from Iran.

IS's real bingo jackpot, financially, came when they took Mosul - there was only $240 mln in the central bank there..... that and they are running a lot of extortion, drugs and prostitution rackets across the M-East and beyond. Again more reason to gear up and enable the local authorities to take action and close them down.
With 8 million barrels a day of oil production at nigh on $100 a barrel and production costs of under $4, there's a lot of dosh swilling around Saudi and not just in the government and royal family, so a couple of hundred mill ending up in IS hands wouldn't be that surprising.
Pixie, I don’t see where 2sp has been patronised here, but that said, her analogy, which you agree with, is wonky in the extreme. All men aren’t rapists, therefore there is no reason for all men to verbally distance themselves from rapists. However, all Muslims are Muslims, and if people belong to a club where certain members are committing atrocities in the name of that club, it is in the interests of the rest of the members - and in this instance the world at large - to say very loudly and clearly, ‘Not in my name’.
All Muslims are not violent extremists either.
No, but they're all Muslims.
They are all human too, but I'm not feeling the need to state publicly that I condemn their behaviour.
//I'm not feeling the need to state publicly that I condemn their behaviour. //

Are you Muslim then?
No. I'm human. Other people don't automatically represent my beliefs. Even if they were atheists, I wouldn't be responsible for their actions.
//Other people don't automatically represent my beliefs. //

And that's exactly what the moderate but silent Muslims should be saying.
Hopefully Naomi, none of are so blinkered to think that moderate Muslims do support the views of IS.
If we are, that's our issue not theirs.
There's no need to point it out, usually. Or we would all be doing it constantly. If this was being done in the name of atheism- my thoughts would be that anybody daft and prejudiced enough to assume it represented us all, just does not have the brainpower worth persuading.
FrogNog, we have little idea who supports what, do we. Few are telling us what they support.
Nor is any other faction in our society Naomi about any other issues.
That is not a valid point IMO.
No reason they should have to. They already know.
//Other people don't automatically represent my beliefs. //

//And that's exactly what the moderate but silent Muslims should be saying//

That's what the ones on my link were saying!
I didn't exactly see huge numbers of Protestants in the UK condemning the actions of the extremism and atrocities of the UDA, UFF, UVF et al, nor did the Catholics when it came to the IRA and their even more extreme wings.

I wouldn't expect many moderate/'reform' leaning Muslim to do so either, the emphasis being many. However, I would expect their Imams to come out and condemn IS's actions and behaviours.
Pixie, what’s happening in Iraq isn’t happening constantly – it’s coming from one source and one source only. If it were happening in the name of atheism (not that atheism is a club), I would hope that most atheists would have the sense to denounce it.

FrogNog, no other faction of our society includes members who pose a large scale physical threat to the security of this country and its people. Therefore, it is a valid point.

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