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Does Khan's Election Denote The Apostasy Of The West?

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Khandro | 12:40 Thu 19th May 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
85 Answers
Unthinkable at any time in British history, but it's been allowed to happen.


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andy-hughes; // I have read some bizarre statements in this section, but I think that takes pole position. /

It's spot on. Religious tolerance is the seedbed of religious extremism.

Mikey, I'd hazard an educated guess that you've neither read the article nor watched the video.
Naomi...your guess, educated or not, would be wrong....stop being so bloody superior !
Mikey, I doubt that. I'm not responsible for your insecurities, so stop swearing at me and try adding something productive to the discussion.
//It's spot on. Religious tolerance is the seedbed of religious extremism. //

It's nowhere near. Believing that people can have their own beliefs and cultures - is providing they don't harm other people with them. Tolerance is not the same as anarchy.
Pixie, I beg to differ. Religious tolerance is why we stand by and watch people burning poppies, and carrying banners calling for the slaughter not only of our soldiers, but of anyone who they perceive to have offended their sensibilities.
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mikey; Then if you can see no co-relationship between the decline of western religions (of whatever denomination) and the increase of atheism, and the burgeoning Islamification of Europe? then perhaps you should have gone to Specsavers.
I don't think so. I'm tolerant to a point. If it does no harm to others, is legal, etc... I wouldn't condone that any more than anyone "anti-religious" would.
Khandro... that makes no sense. Where is the correlation?
"mikey; Then if you can see no co-relationship between the decline of western religions (of whatever denomination) and the increase of atheism, and the burgeoning Islamification of Europe? then perhaps you should have gone to Specsavers. "

Khandro, so if this 'decline of western religions' had not occurred, would this 'burgeoning Islamification of Europe' not be happening?
Khandro...the decline "western religions".... (not sure what you mean there...Christianity perhaps ? ) ...and increase of atheism has begger all to do with Islam.

In Britain, the decline in Christianity has been going on for many years, long before the recent rise in Islam. It goes hand in hand with the increase in universal education.

And the same goes for Atheism.
Pixie,// I wouldn't condone that any more than anyone "anti-religious" would.//

The west doesn’t ‘condone’ it – but it tolerates it. That’s the point. We put up with it.

Khandro, sevenOP’s question actually leads us to the crux of your question – and even Mikey’s “the increase of atheism has begger all to do with Islam” has some relevance here - but I would like to add a little. If this 'decline of western religions' had not occurred, would this 'burgeoning Islamification of Europe' not be happening - and if it were, as devout Christians, what would you expect the people of the west to be doing about it?
Khan's election denotes that the best candidate has been democratically appointed to the post of Mayor Of London. Nothing more or less.
Eddie, not necessarily the 'best', simply the most popular.
Very early days yet, but from what I hear he is looking to be far better than Boris or Red Ken.
look up apostasy in a dictionary

and then the answer is 'no' or ... the question doesnt make sense

Julian the Apostate ( er Roman emperor since we mentioned Gibbon 0 hey funky man ) was a pagain who converted to christianity and then reconverted back to paganism

so there is a conversion and reconversion in an apostate which isnt present in a heretic

I think apathy is the word needed

and I dont think the article is written by a roman catholic either
would this 'burgeoning Islamification of Europe' not be happening?

islamification in the sense of blowing people and shooting them and other ways of showing them how wonderful the after life is ?
My post at 23:07 was to Eddie.
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mikey; By 'western religions' yes, I'm talking about Christianity as the host but western religion and Christianity has many facets, some of which are quite diverse from Quakers to Druids
//In Britain, the decline in Christianity has been going on for many years, long before the recent rise in Islam. It goes hand in hand with the increase in universal education. And the same goes for Atheism. //

The desire of Islam to overrun Europe is anything but "recent", it is centuries old. You appear to be saying that "education" has enabled the eradication
of religion, then why do you think so many highly educated people hold religious beliefs?
Do you think it is a complete coincidence that where religion is waning, Islam is attempting (and succeeding) to replace it?
Do you need a better example than that of Sweden and now the election of a Muslim mayor of London? I and others have pointed out, London now has a Labour Mayor, who happens to be Muslim, not a Muslim Mayor who just happens to a Labour MP.

And he won against Zac Goldsmith because he was Labour and not a Tory.

Get used to it !

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