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Does Khan's Election Denote The Apostasy Of The West?

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Khandro | 12:40 Thu 19th May 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
85 Answers
Unthinkable at any time in British history, but it's been allowed to happen.


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Khandro, you are ‘spinning’. You use one highly selective quote from the Archbishop of Canterbury to demonstrate that Christianity opposes what is happening in this country whilst ignoring everything else he’s said on the subject. The Pope, who also endorses multiculturalism and influences millions, you dismiss as ‘floating in the clouds’.

I don’t understand why you think one religion must replace another. Those who have abandoned religion are not seeking another to replace what they have discarded and those who are happy with Muslims gaining high office here aren’t cleaving towards Islam per se. Without understanding the threat that Islam truly presents to our country and to our culture, they have been hoodwinked by the ‘right-on’ into believing that unless they champion multiculturalism they will be branded bigots and racists. However damaging it may be, multiculturalism is fashionable, but dishonesty abounds. A bit like the Emperor’s New Clothes.

//Would there be the same level of concern if a Jewish mayor had been elected?//

I cannot help wondering if we'd all be too inhibited to start a thread. It would be taken down, as anti-Semitic, wouldn't it?

Is that the point you are, circuitously, making? (That this thread is anti-Islamic?)

Hypognosis. Eddie's is a moot question. Judaism presents no threat to us.
Yes, I realise that. I'm only saying that, in a like-for-like situation, where it did, we would be a bit more inhibited about speaking out.

I find it slightly odd that AB has just one Afro-Caribbean and one Pakistani and zero other minority ethnic groups, among its regular posters. That's not what I'd call random variation and I've toyed with the idea that they were cyphers but their disdain for certain issues and attitudes proved to be too genuine for sock puppetry.

We have freedom of speech but this thread would have been nuked on any other forum, with more than a handful of Muslims (or their sympathisers) on it.

Hypognosis, //I find it slightly odd that AB has just one Afro-Caribbean and one Pakistani and zero other minority ethnic groups, among its regular posters.//

I don’t think we can assume that. There have certainly been other people from minority ethnic groups here in the past. Those you mention may just be the most vocal.
We can't assume anything, that's correct. Behind the anonymity anyone could be any ethnicity. All I meant is that only two have self-identified as such *and* stuck their head above the parapet.

No-one in their right mind would want to become a lightning rod, after all.

In the meantime, I feel able to assert that Answerbank is not a diverse place. That's the only reason this thread can continue.

I will also add that today's 'prophecy thread' becomes tomorrow's "I told you so" smug-fest.

I'm not sure what race or colour AB'ers are, as we are not given the opportunity on our profiles to spell it out.

But for the record, I am pink-ish, but much browner on my forearms and face.
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naomi; Is a "highly selective" quote, simply one which doesn't agree with your view of things?
mikey; my avatar is a self-portrait, not to demonstrate my ethnicity but to show solidarity with sp - I hope I got it right.
Khandro, no, not because it doesn’t agree with my view of things – I happen to agree with him completely on that one. However, you’ve ignored the link I gave you because that doesn’t agree with your view of things. As a matter of fact I don’t agree with his comments in that link either – but I do like things straight.

By the way, I don’t think SP’s avatar is a picture of him – but I might be wrong.
Sp's avatar is a human rights campaigner.
Talbot, thought so.
Here he is (ok ... civil rights for the pedants)
I knew what you meant.
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Oh dear! something else I got wrong.
Oh dear. Is that^ another sulk coming on?
Don't be so childish Naomi !
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n. I don't do sulk, but am worried I may have offended sp by thinking his avatar was him. However, it appears to be an 82-year-old civil rights campaigner, who's looking pretty good for his age.
So I'm now back to French film noir b-movie actor, Eddie Constantine. Don't ask! I can't remember why.
Mikey, unless you know what you're talking about best to keep schtum. Otherwise you make yourself look silly.

Khandro, //Don't ask!//

I have no intention of asking.
-- answer removed --
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birdie; Suprise us! I'm sure you're more Robert de Niro than Charles Darwin.

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