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Does Khan's Election Denote The Apostasy Of The West?

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Khandro | 12:40 Thu 19th May 2016 | Religion & Spirituality
85 Answers
Unthinkable at any time in British history, but it's been allowed to happen.


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Having read the link it appears to be a bit of American catholic ranting. They might at least get their facts right; Queen Anne was succeeded by George I, not William I.
Khandro, since in your estimation I am among those who lack intellectual dialogue, a response from me would be wasted on you.
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naomi, you were not included in that swipe, as far as I know you have never used Monty P. to substantiate an argument :0)
jackdaw; What the hell! Please answer the question, which I will rephrase if you like. As it would have been once (and not long ago) unimaginable to have a Muslim London Mayor, is the decline in British Christianity allowing Islam to occupy the vacuum created in the UK as it is already doing in Sweden?
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You do realise he's ^ an atheist?
Khandro - it has not been 'allowed to happen' which infers that the Mayor slipped into his post when no-one Christian was looking and standing guard.

The democratic process has been followed - it denotes that London has chosen a new mayor - nothing else.
Khandro - your linked observer advises that 'This is a video I didn't want to make ...'

Well, we're agreed on that, I didn't want him to make it either!
Andy-hughes. //it has not been 'allowed to happen' //

I think it is being allowed to happen, in fact I think it’s being actively, if naively, encouraged. The BBC’s head of religion and ethics who goes by the name of Aaqil Ahmed is planning to televise Friday prayers from mosques, Ahtsham Ali, the government appointed adviser overseeing the approval of Muslim prison chaplains has appointed 140 imams who follow hard-line Deobandi interpretations of Islam, the Mayor of London has interacted with some highly dubious individuals and groups, and has deemed moderate Muslims ‘Uncle Toms’, and the west is stupidly accepting God knows how many nameless Muslim migrants who are arriving by the boat-load in the guise of ‘refugees’. This country has a problem that, in an ill-considered, rose-tinted, quest for multi-culturalism, is quite determinedly, being ignored.
Khandro, //naomi, you were not included in that swipe//

Thank you.
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naomi; Yes I'm well aware that he's an atheist, I've seen many of his videos. An important fact he omits and wouldn't admit, is that Sweden which was once Lutheran, has become the most irreligious country in Europe, isn't there a connection I ask?
Who could dislike Pat Condell or, perhaps more importantly, disagree with what he says.
Khandro, In his efforts to demonise atheism, your man loses the plot. He forgets that the invasions of the past have been military invasions whereas that which we are witnessing now is one of stealth. I imagine if Muslim armies arrived here now as they did in the past, armed to the teeth and determined to conquer by war, we would have a very different approach.
Khandro, //Sweden which was once Lutheran, has become the most irreligious country in Europe, isn't there a connection I ask? //

I don't believe so. See my previous posts. I think the same applies to Sweden.
Apostasy is mere piffle - it is rumoured that the country no longer has an Empire. Looking out the window I see a darkening sky.............
Religious tolerance is the seedbed of religious extremism. Their underlying desire and hidden agenda is not to get along but to dominate, to rid the world of those who do not subscribe to their delusions.

Imaginary friends (no less heavenly ones provided sanctuary from the grasp of reason) are humanities worst enemy.
// Religious tolerance is the seedbed of religious extremism //

I have read some bizarre statements in this section, but I think that takes pole position.
The terminological inexactitude of the Crisis Magazine
"It does not matter what someone actually said, only what you feel someone said. Trump’s suggestion of a moratorium on immigration was limited to Syrians and immigrants. Sadiq Khan is neither."

speaks volumes.
As I don't live anywhere near to London it is of small matter to me who runs the ****hole. If I did, then I think I would prefer Khan to Livingstone.
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andy-hughes; // Religious tolerance is the seedbed of religious extremism //

I see nothing wrong with mibn's assertion. What is bizarre about it?
I am with Jack here...this is just a religious rant. And the Catholic Church has been doing it longer than most.

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