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End Time Signs.

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Theland | 03:11 Thu 05th Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
97 Answers
Floods, fires, droughts, pollution, malnutrition, wars and rumours of wars, pestillences, and all contributing to another but bigger global financial crisis.
Add more to the list as you think of them, like the plagues of locusts ravaging East Africa, and numerous migrant crises all over the world.
So, what do you think?


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Glass half empty yet his cup overflows, now that's clever. :-)
Don't forget .mankind wrote the book of prophesy no gods were involved, we are still trying to prove we were right... Then the religious can say Gods will comes to pass and the rest will just shrug and go it wasn't me....
Never been any different. The only change is that it's all reported in detail no because of the connectedness of the world.

We have Covid virus. It has killed a few thousand and might even millions. But it isn't going to wipe out a third of people like the Plague did in the fourteenth century.

Locusts plagues in East Africa and South Asia have a perfectly scientific relationship with the Indian Ocean Dipole. Nothing has changed there.

Economic recessions have always happened but they are more widespread due to the globally connected economy. Still nothing on the scale of 1929.

Rumours of bad things are mostly spread by the religious who are eager to be participants in their long awaited apocalypse. Many of them actively contribute to manifesting it.

Jesus said that it would all go down within the lifetime of those he was speaking to but here we are nearly 2000 years later.
So glad I'm getting towards the 'end of my times' ...
Nothing new there, weve been having these since time began. Some of the weather items are probably worse though.
//So, what do you think? //

I think you're obsessed with myth.
God had better wait until the new Marvel stuff comes out first.
Aye, Mr Mainwaring we’re doomed!!!!
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Beso 08:51 - Jesus said, "this generation," a very misunderstood interpretation is the one you suggested.
How do you know 'this generation' didn't mean 'this generation'? Furthermore, how do you know it didn't mean what it says - and further still, what did it mean?
//So, what do you think?//

I think It’s not over ‘till the jiggly girl stops jiggling
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Calculations based on the numbers in Daniel, beginning with the order to rebuild the gates of Jerusalem.
The reestablishment of the state of Israel.
The numbers take us to 1948, when Israel was at last established as an independent country after thousands of years.
The bible states that a generation is, "Three score years and ten, but if by reason of strength eighty years."
So from 1948 seventy years takes us to 2018, and eighty years to 2028.
Have you a link to that, Theland? Please not YouTube.
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I'll try to find it for you.
Thank you.
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Apologies to you Naomi, I have not been able to find, (yet), this particular interpretation of the context of the passage.
There has been many opinions on this, but I have suggested one.
Various interpretations of 'Generation'
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Thank you Mamya.
I thought the 'even by reason of strength, eighty years' referred to a lifespan- following on from 'three score years and ten'?
Question Author
I don't think so.

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