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End Time Signs.

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Theland | 03:11 Thu 05th Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
97 Answers
Floods, fires, droughts, pollution, malnutrition, wars and rumours of wars, pestillences, and all contributing to another but bigger global financial crisis.
Add more to the list as you think of them, like the plagues of locusts ravaging East Africa, and numerous migrant crises all over the world.
So, what do you think?


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I think you may have too much time on your hands
Question Author
I certainly hope so :-)
OK, Theland, thanks. The Psalm 90 part was very similar to what you mentioned - 'and if by reason of strength...' and so on. I'm sure some phrases are repeated!
As I have posted previously, the Bible says that the world will not come to an end until all have knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Given the above, we can all sleep safe in the knowledge that the world is not coming to an end anytime soon – or within the next few millennia.
Theland, why do you make claims you can't support?
Question Author
I do not. I presented my,opinion and asked what you think?
When I have time I will try to retrieve the information.
This is reminiscent of the conclusions of people who trawl through the bible and find sevens - or threes - or something equally airy-fairy and enigmatic everywhere. Strange how when the bible doesn’t say what they want it to say, they insist it says something else entirely.
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Khandro - Yes was watching that one a few nights ago.
Thank you.
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Naomi - As usual your posts on the bible are superficial and lack depth.
You are too quick to criticise.
Theland, I beg to differ. It's perfectly reasonable to ask you to provide the source of your claims.
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Found something. Rabbi Johnathon Cahn, book, "The Oracle."
YouTube vid of him discussing it.
Very interesting.
Theland, does that Cahn piece confirm your earlier assertions about the 70 and 80 years/generation stuff? I'd been interested in your quote, but you were having difficulty locating it - and the only thing I could see was the 70 and 80 years relating to lifespans.
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Not sure Never. Not read the book myself but listened to lectures on it.
I could link to YouTube but that is unpopular on here.
Theland, thanks. No, it's fine - and I now see your earlier assertions were just your personal logic rather than being confirmed, as you'd said, in the Bible.
Theland, Rabbi Jonathan Cahn is a messianic jew and fairly prolific author who runs a religious organisation in the US. His book is listed as Christian/religious fiction. He’s another one making something out to be what it isn’t.
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Then Naomi, consider his claims, compare them to the bible, and then compare it to history and current events.
What parts are wrong?
Theland, he's selling books.
Question Author
They ALL sell books.
Theland, He's doing something like the number thing. He's attempting to make what he wants to fit, fit. It's nonsense.

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