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End Time Signs.

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Theland | 03:11 Thu 05th Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
97 Answers
Floods, fires, droughts, pollution, malnutrition, wars and rumours of wars, pestillences, and all contributing to another but bigger global financial crisis.
Add more to the list as you think of them, like the plagues of locusts ravaging East Africa, and numerous migrant crises all over the world.
So, what do you think?


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A demagogue ruling America, a tyrant in Russia, with many more even worse in Asia and Africa.

Most of the problems are man-made. The ruling classes don't particularly care what happens to normal people. It's not the end of days, it's the sign of the times.
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Just been watching a few vids on global corruption.
I always knew it was bad, but just how bad and interlocking and organised really shocked even me.
Absolutely. The powerful line their pockets, usually at the detriment to the common man.

One of the biggest proofs of the nonexistence of God is that he hasn't sent another flood so He could start over again.
You should watch Hollyoakes for a change, Theland.
business as usual i'm afraid, we have tornadoes in US, flooding in UK, fire traps in Australia, these all happen frequently and have been going on for millennia..
wars too, American and British civil wars, World War 1 and 11, the list is endless.
as to migrants, that; not new either, the Hugenots came here for refuge, likewise the Jews, the Romans and Saxons came in vast numbers, ad infinitum....
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Never on this scale worldwide.
Well, it's taking long enough. If it goes on forever it can't be end times
yes on this scale, what makes you think that it's anything other than man made, pollution is our fault,
wars our fault, didn't they have a plague of locusts in the bible?
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Yes I agree it's all our fault.
I would never suggest anything different.
Not end times, just what happens if you let a bunch of clever apes loose on a well balanced planet. We may bring on the next mass extinction but life will go on in some form to evolve and end in its turn. Earth had many ages and will have many more. we are just animals
so we are,
I think, pretty much business as usual.
Any time nature is doing a grand job, you can put money on man chucking a spanner in the works!
//Not end times, just what happens if you let a bunch of clever apes loose on a well balanced planet//

we are adept at killing each other off, that's not very clever...
We as a species, define ourselves as intelligent... But then we also make up the criteria. There are some who think it is clever to light their farts, others who think cruelty makes them superior. The greatest use of power over others is the act of not using it in my rule book, the greatest intelligence may well be empathy.
i agree Rowan..
All these signs have been evident for eons. The difference is that now we are more aware of them. Perhaps we know too much? It can be overwhelming.

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