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End Time Signs.

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Theland | 03:11 Thu 05th Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
97 Answers
Floods, fires, droughts, pollution, malnutrition, wars and rumours of wars, pestillences, and all contributing to another but bigger global financial crisis.
Add more to the list as you think of them, like the plagues of locusts ravaging East Africa, and numerous migrant crises all over the world.
So, what do you think?


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Call it what you will, Theland, but you certainly can’t claim it to be fact.
I have been saying this for years. False prophets and turning right into wrong and good into bad are all signs the evil has been released from the depths, but it will not overcome us, it has come out to be cleansed so we can move up to a higher level. There is no risk in the outcome, you cannot have darkness in the presence of light and the good people have right on their side whatever the majority in power tell us. It is a huge test and we are guaranteed to pass.
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David H - Yes I agree.
I hope you are ready to defend detail, as I prophecy that you will get questions :-)
I prophecy he’ll get ignored.
//I like your gib, mate//

Thank you Allen, it's of the finest cut.
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Allen- that's not his gibmate it's his sister.
Will you two require a room?
I cd only manage three verses of Rev 17
but thx when I need quotes about the scarlet harlot of Babylon I know where to go

I would not dream of alleging any of it happened at any time

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The more you learn the more fascinated you will be.
Luke 21:8 [Jesus] replied: “Watch out that you are not deceived. For many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am he,’ and, ‘The time is near.’ Do not follow them.

Sounds like good advice.
When the Anti-Christ was elected to the White House I felt a shiver of apprehension.

But at least they've cancelled Eurovision and there's no dreading the football results at 5pm on a Saturday when you support the team I do!
Altogether now,

Always look on the bright side of life,

I believe in the power of positive thinking or what my OH describes as the Ostrich Theory.
I always imagined that the Anti Christ would be a bit scarier than that ole puppy dog.
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And now an earthquake in Croatia.
Yep, definitely happening.

So can we expect Jesus be turning up in a cloud sometime this week then? Or are we thinking a more vaguer and less specific and measurable time-frame?

I'm just wondering when to plan my repenting in for, too soon and I'll only go and commit more sins before the big man arrives.

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End Time Signs.

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