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Right Go On Then

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nailit | 20:13 Tue 31st Mar 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
378 Answers
to the religious....
So whats it all about?
Retribution, judgment, what?
End times (again) maybe?
A plague from God?
A precursor of the Anti-Christ?

Serious question, what the **** is this all about then?
Or is it simply an unprecedented virus that science will cure?



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Read your own posts, theland, and it will become clear. .
13:27 Mon 06th Apr 2020
fcc; A piece of good music says something about the genius of the composer, and nothing about religion. Religion, having loads of money, has been a huge sponsor of the arts, but that doesn't mean there's truth in religious doctrines. Am I taking you too seriously?
Just saying if i was walking passed a church and heard this beautiful music coming out,it would inspire me to stop and listen.
I'd stop and listen if I heard Frank Zappa coming from a pub. :)
Me too friend,broadway the hard way,a musical genius,with a fantastic speaking voice.
Theland, //I don't predict anything. //

13:36 truly excellent post.
iluvmargie - // 13:36 truly excellent post. //

Thank you very much.

It was posted entirely to make myself feel better, and having long and fruitless experience of trying to engage with the fervent Christians on here, not with the slightest hope of it making any difference!

Theland will return in a day or so, acting as if nothing has happened, and the whole circus will rumble on...
I already know what he's like andy and I haven't been on here all that long! fiveleaves is another one, I've asked him/her two questions on this thread, but I'm still none the wiser.
You won't find wisdom from either of those two. :-(
retro - it's this rapture thingy I'm interested in, but I can't get an answer!
iluv... maybe google will tell you a bit about it.
Pixie - I have yet again read through my posts very carefully.
There is nothing in them that could cause you any upset.
I am totally perplexed at your anger towards me.
I am further perplexed that you question my morals as found wanting.,
What exactly have I said to make you so angry?
For clarity, I am pro life, except where abortion is necessary for medical reasons and the safety of the mother.
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//For clarity, I am pro life//
Pro life and pro Bible are incompatible...
Margie, read the link I gave you - and if you want more there’s lots on google.
Nailit - wrong again.
Give it up, Theland. Your reputation precedes you.
Give a dog a bad name.
Nobody has yet illustrated how my morals are inferior.
Not your fault eh, Theland? Well, no one else writes yours posts. Think about it.
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//Nobody has yet illustrated how my morals are inferior//
You claim to take your morals from the Bible....

Job done!

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