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One World Religion

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nailit | 19:12 Mon 31st Aug 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
144 Answers
keep hearing conspiracy nuts and christian fundies telling us about the end times and how there is going to be a one world religion,
Can you tell me what that religion is please?



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Nailit, I do not doubt you.
Poor selection of words from me, ''claims.'' Apologies.

You are right to be sceptical about the OWR.
Each religion has it's own beliefs and dogma.
But they all claim to be peaceful.
Therefore, the Pope is not recruiting them under his own dogma, but under what he claims they all have in common, a desire for peace.
Therefore all religions can happily join him in the new OWR, and once consolidated, the Pope will be their leader.
Bible believing Christians will have nothing to do with it, but many protestant and evangelist churches are all ready to join, including our own apostate Church Of England.
Vulcan, how do you think I !I've my life?
From what little you know of me, what exactly do you disapprove of?
Theland where do you get your stuff from?
Question Author
Theland, I just cannot see how militant Muslims (for just one example) are going to accept the Pope as their spiritual leader?
On what Bible verses are you basing this upon?

(Text has a horrible way of reading, try to read my question in a tone of an enquiring voice and not of an antagonist)
Wolf - I get my, ''stuff,'' from the bible.
Naiit - The Muslims will be accepting the Popes leadership, at first under the banner of peace.
That's something that does not contradict the dogma of any religion.
Verses in various places. I will look them up.

Nailit - The Pope embraces his Muslim, ''brothers.''
Question Author
//The Pope embraces his Muslim, ''brothers.''//
Thats not quiet the same as saying that millions of fundamental muslims embrace the Pope.
(Or fundamental atheists for that matter)
Wait and see how it develops.
Question Author
Again, I'd be interested, on what Bible verses are you basing this upon? (Or is I suspect...on the writings of Hal Lyndsay et al ?)

(still in the tone of enquiry)
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How are millions of 'militant' atheists going to accept the Pope as a religious leader? Or even a 'soft' atheist like myself.
I really dont get it. Im trying to see where your coming from but just dont!
// on what Bible verses are you basing this upon?//
apocalypse mainly
from (apocalypto - I reveal) - a book i have to say I have never really been attracted to - great imagery - scarlet woman, four men on horses etc

but any part of the NT which are apocalyptic
The little baby Jesus birf stories are unlikely to be apocalyptic. - bits where he says: "soon you will not see me and then you will see me" and the disciples turn to each other and wonder at his Words.

the way it is gonna go is - - - wars and famines
then signs of the end of times
a period of 'bliss' - various preselected people will undergo ecstatic experiences ( or not)
the dead rise - second coming
and this will be the time of one religion all worshipping the One God ( in Trinity for us christians)

what will happen to the stock market
the 1.30 at Kenton park
and will those really slow trains to Waterloo run on time ?- - um I dont think at the time of the second coming we will have any of that. - erm at a guess the stock market will - - float

Nicholas Cage who is really short of money has been doing a lot of these films - aircraft arriving at Kennedy, and Sharl deGorl short of 50 passengers because they have been blissed = = = in case you are short of a few images of all this.

do I believe all this?
well comeone asked where it was all written
in short - - - last book of the NT

Peter Pedant is correct. Revelaation 17.
Question Author
Shall have a reread and get back.
However, what is predicted isnt neccessarily what will happen.
Still cant see millions (Billions) of muslims aquiesing to the pope.
It aint going to happen.

oh .... thank you

how kind of someone to forebear from saying
Peter P is a know all twit who claims to read the bible in Greek amongst other equally unlikely things
Question Author
PP, Your're an oddity to say the least,
your posts have to be deciphered.
And obviously an educated bloke.
Over educated if you ask me...(A mere comprehensive kid)
well yeah Rev 17 but where does the Pope get a look in? noba one god does not mean one religion.
The Pope is the head of the Roman church. That's how.
The bible talks about Antichrist, bit there are many Antichrists.
It means, '' In p!ace of Christ,'' and there are many who regard themselves as Christ. The Pope is one, and in the end times, he will lead a one world religion.
Theland - // I spend about three hours or more on my studies, per day, and only ever post on here what I have learned from scripture. //

I am absolutely amazed to find that you spend this much of your life on your 'studies'.

Not because it's something I would not dream of doing - how you spend your time is your choice of course -

It's the fact that not only do you spend that time 'studying', you spend vast amounts of time spinning your wheels on here, in pointless snidey endless hacking back and forth with strangers who don't agree with you.

I have read virtually everything you have posted about religion on here, and the responses you have received, and your attitude to them, and it remains perfectly clear that your 'studies' have been a complete and utter waste of your time because not only do you refuse to answer simple questions, it is apparent that you have learned absolutely nothing remotely useful whatsoever, aside from a nasty xenophobic attitude to any religion that does not align with you - mainly but not limited to Islam and Catholicism, underlined with an ever-present sense of arrogance and superiority that are the hallmarks of the fervent Christian that you are.

I know you will ignore this, because you ignore anything which doesn't suit you - endlessly claiming that you want to discuss and debate, and them scrupulously avoiding doing either.

Maybe some voluntary work would be better use of your three hours - at least someone would benefit from it, clearly you don't, and it would go some way towards following the teachings of Jesus Christ that you claim we all lack so severely - doing something useful for your fellow Man.

It is the most supreme irony that Nailit, and avowed atheist, has spent his working days doing exactly that - helping people in need, while you sit in splendid isolation 'studying' and slowly vanishing up your own fundament.

When it comes to it, I wonder who God would consider as being the better following of his son's example?

Something to think about while you are looking on the internet for your nearest charity outlet so you can volunteer.
Those open to the Interfaith Dialogue will continue to discuss such matters, it's unlikely that hardliners of any persuasion or none will take part.

The notion that such dialogue could progress towards Unification is something that I personally am not sure will ever come to total fruition.

However, more talking and openness can only be good.

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