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One World Religion

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nailit | 19:12 Mon 31st Aug 2020 | Religion & Spirituality
144 Answers
keep hearing conspiracy nuts and christian fundies telling us about the end times and how there is going to be a one world religion,
Can you tell me what that religion is please?



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Snidey? Hey poor choice of words there Andy.
The whole tone of your post is pure animosity and unwarranted criticism.
What's wrong with you man?
Gloss over it, I scrolled straight past it.
Theland - // Snidey? Hey poor choice of words there Andy. //

On the contrary, I think my choice of word is entirely accurate.

// The whole tone of your post is pure animosity and unwarranted criticism. //

At least you have read it, and understood it, what a pity you will not act on it.

// What's wrong with you man? //

Nothing - I'm not the one wasting three hours of my time every day 'studying' and learning absolutely nothing useful whatsoever.
Mamya - // Gloss over it, I scrolled straight past it. //

Then you're not qualified to comment on it, since you have no idea what it said.
I've read it now - I made the right decision in the first place.

Mamya - // I've read it now - I made the right decision in the first place. //

Good for you - pity you can't 're-gloss over it' again, never mind.
Andy, you are very bad mannered.
You have invented stuff to attack me. Why?
As for being xenophobic towards other religions, yes, I feel sorry for the poor folk trapped in them.
Anyway, what do you worry?
Its a subject higher than your lay grade isn't it?
As for answering questions, ask anything you like, of I know the answer I will answer, if I don't, I won't.
Andy, just reading through your post bib by bit.
My studies are a waste of time?
How can you presume that?
Are you the ultimate arbiter on what I should study, for how long, and to what ends?

Incidentally, your remarks to Mamya were totally uncalled for.
I hope you give your wife more respect. You are a type. A bully. It shows time and time again.
You deserve pity.

Don't worry about me,please.
Theland,what is God doing about this virus and all the other atrocities in the World? Innocent children dying of Cancer,people suffering with horrible aiilments,etc.?
No, the question is, what are YOU doing about it?
God expects us to obey His will in the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
So, if you can alleviate anybody's suffering, then do so.
Theland at 00:38 Thu, I laughed out loud when I read that. You’re setting yourself up as some sort of doyen of wisdom and making it up as you go along. Apart from that you’re insulting anyone who doesn’t agree with you, ignoring completely the fact - and it is a fact - that without the Catholic church Christianity wouldn’t exist in any form - even in your arrogantly sanctimonious personalised version.

As for your clear aversion to people of different faiths making efforts to come together in one way or another, one could be forgiven for gaining the impression that you embrace and encourage conflict.

//Please try to be charitable and judge me by what I wrote//

‘Charitable’? Think again. Rest assured you are judged by your posts.
By the way, Theland, you skipped my question. What are these 'contemporary events' you mentioned?
Sorry,Theland,I can't do anything about it as I am not a God.
Theland - // Andy, just reading through your post bib by bit.
My studies are a waste of time?
How can you presume that?
Are you the ultimate arbiter on what I should study, for how long, and to what ends? //

Clearly you did not read my post correctly, just the bit you decide to be offended about - I did say that how you spend your time is entirely your own business, which it is.

// Incidentally, your remarks to Mamya were totally uncalled for. //

Mamya is quite capabale of defending herself if she has an issue with what I say to her, as I am with what she says to me, and she instigated the exchange.

//I hope you give your wife more respect. //

My respect is available to any and all who earn it.

// You are a type. A bully. It shows time and time again.
You deserve pity. //

I am not a 'type' and I am certainly not a bully.

I will stand my posts up against the posts of anyone on here, any day, any time, and that includes you.

Save your pity for the non-believers you look down on, I don't need it.
Revelations speaks of a "great harlot" and most thing that's a metaphor for a false religion. It's been debated many times over the centuries and what seems to make the most sense is that it will be an inclusive religion that allows for a pluralistic view of God. Kind of a one size fits all and sees all / any religion as one.
This false religion will permit and even encourage the death of those who follow Jesus during the tribulation. I'd like to say that it was my own knowledge that gave the above info but I've found It online. I'll post the full text in the next answer

The full wording: (not my own found it online)

Revelation 17 speaks of a "great prostitute" (or "great harlot") that is generally understood as a metaphor for a false religion that will exist during the tribulation period. Many have debated the identity of this religion, with some arguing the Roman Catholic Church, Islam, or another large religious movement will be the end-times, one-world religion.

However, it is more likely that the false religion of the last days will consist of an inclusive religion that allows for a pluralistic view of God. This would include even liberal monotheistic groups that see "all religions as one" and are willing to worship the Antichrist in the last days.

Whatever this religion is, it will certainly exclude any faith that is exclusive and refuses to worship the Antichrist or his image. Revelation 17:6 states, "And I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints, the blood of the martyrs of Jesus." This false religion will permit and even encourage the death of those who follow Jesus during the tribulation.

Further, this false end-times religion will include sexual immorality (Revelation 17:2). It will also likely have its headquarters in Rome, often described even in New Testament times as Babylon (Revelation 17:5; 1 Peter 5:13).

Some see this false religion as short lived since the Antichrist will demand people worship him at the midpoint of the tribulation (Revelation 13). However, this religion may continue and include worship of the Antichrist. It will be opposed to Christians, as well as reject the Jews since the Antichrist will defile the temple as the abomination of desolation (Matthew 24:15).

Ultimately, the deception during this time will be so great that Jesus taught, "For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect" (Matthew 24:24).

Some wonder if this one world religion already exists today. The specific one world religion of the end times cannot be fully developed until the tribulation when the Antichrist rules. However, the growth in religious pluralism, interfaith dialogue that promotes the idea that all religions are equal, and the erroneous teachings that many ways lead to God or to heaven all exist today. These views certainly foreshadow what Scripture predicts will be more prevalent in the future when the world unites under one religion under the power of the Antichrist.

The apostle Paul warned Timothy about this concern, saying, "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths" (2 Timothy 4:3-4). As believers, we must study and live by the truth, avoiding the false teachings of our time.
eve1974 - Am I to assume by your quoting of bible passages, that you are a Christian?
Eve, providing a link to sources is useful to the rest of us, but never mind. is an outreach of, a US based organisation that denies Dawinian evolution and supports young earth creationism. In other words an organisation with a very definite agenda to promote their own version of Christianity so not the best source for the serious researcher.
@Andy - yes I am a Christian but I did take all the verses and comments directly off what Mr Google found for me.
@Naomi - a yup I should have provided a link to the source (apologies)
@Naomi - spot on - it's a source with bias. Also, re "serious researchers" I think most folk on here welcome all views ...whether agreed with or not. I reckon, (?) most (?) AB'ers are simply curious if they ask / answer any questions vs being a full on serious researcher.
@All AB'ers - lets welcome ANY opinion, (even if we don't agree)- thats what makes life interesting

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