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Theland19:57 Sat 02nd Jan 202 I admire your fervour, but the changes that are more subtle and affect our everyday life would be far more convincing and especially if presented with alarmism.
///alarm missed,?? would you complain if someone would keep on telling you that there's going to be an explosion, from the volcano or the tsunami, God s word is faithful and true it will happen so I am alarmed, I am frightened, that the great day of the almighty GOD is coming and it is now ,very shortly because if you look around and see all the damage and virus ,and the Echo Arena, Wars ,civil wars,people upheaval, government's arguing between themselves all at one time, nothing like this has happened before and therefore we was told to keep on the watch for the day of Jesus arrival ,we do not know the day or the hour ,But be assured he is arriving shortly and for those who who believe in the true God will take note. And they will keep on the watch for their safety sake