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Saying A Prayer

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Theland | 04:30 Tue 26th Dec 2006 | Religion & Spirituality
24 Answers
Did you pray over Christmas?


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Theland...I have no need to talk to invisible friends.That said, despite our differences, I hope that you had a nice xmas and I wish you well for the new year.
I took my mother to Midnight Mass as I always do and kept my mind open as to the possibility that God might make his presence felt to me, asked him etc and ......nothing as usual.
So sorry Theland my faith in your God is well and truly defunct.
I did however, on the offchance that I am wrong, say a prayer for general wellbeing in the world and tolerance to prevail in this country as I am concerned about the right wing press and the damage they are doing to inter-race and inter-faith relations.
Hope you had a good Christmas.
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Thank you both for that.
I also prayed, as I do every night, that God will reveal Himself to you. Honestly, I mention you by name. Anyway, all in good time eh?
I hope you continue to enjoy the holiday, and have a well earned rest. Cheers.
Theland, you mention me by name? That would explain why your prayers for my salvation arn't been met.My real name is john, not wizard (or Mr.69). lol
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... and there's me talking about this person with an oh so unusual surname. Tut tut. Silly me!
Seriously though, I'm sure the God that you don't believe in, (yet), is better than any private eye, and will "sus" out who I mean.
I'm back at work tomorrow, up at 5am, so an early night tonight, so your ears should start burning about 9:30pm.
I'm an atheist.

That probably answers your question.
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Llamatron - No it doesn't, as some atheists pray also. It's not a bad thing to do is it? Maybe calling it, "being alone with your thoughts?"
Hang on, isn't praying all about speaking to God and all that jazz?
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Llamatron - Yes, "All that jazz." But, (please please, I'm trying my best not to sound pompous), He still believes in you, even if for now, you don't believe in Him.
I'm often 'alone with my thoughts', but I sure ain't praying because, like Llamatron, I'm an atheist. What I'm actually doing is contemplating; having a bit of quiet time; time to think. I'm asking for nothing and thanking no-one for anything - I'll do that in person.

Please, Christians, don't pray for God to reveal him or herself to me, because I don't need or want it and would resent it being forced upon me. After all, I'm sure you would be offended if I expressed hope that you saw the error of your ways and the ridiculousness of your words.
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On the contrary, I find it very stimulating, challenging, and quite often simply perplexing, to engage in discussions with the ABers who hold opinions that are the opposite of my own. So, no, I'm never offended, (sometimes uncomfortable), and the discussions have always been conducted politely.
Theland...thought that you have to get up early in the morning? what are you doing on AB at this time of night?
personaly, I'm enjoying a few beer's, a few telephone conversations with a few friends, and............ add your own interpretations
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Wizard69 - How observant of you. Yes, I should have been asleep ages ago, but waiting for one of my lads to come back home. He's in now, so i'm off. Enjoy your cans and please don't bash the empties in the bin, I'm a light sleeper!
Anne Summers comes in handy here.....................
that post should have been b4 your post Theland...ffs
So God still believes in me does he?
Does that mean Father Christmas and the fairies at the bottom of my garden believe in me as well?

Oh I can't be ar5ed.
Theland, human beings do not need to be 'believed in', by your God or anyone else. They exist. Gods have to be believed in because they live only in minds like yours. If they weren't believed in they would not exist.
And isn't it a little bit discourteous to pray for someone who does not require it? Personally I think that praying (in an adult) is as absurd as sending messages up the chimney to Santa; I would feel demeaned to be part of it, either directly or indirectly. If you thought that betting on horses was an insult to human intelligence, how would you feel if someone said "Never mind, I've put a few bets on for you"?
No Theland, I didn't.... just had a whale of a time overindulging and catching up with friends and relatives.

Hope you and yours had a great time over christmas.

In the same vein as your question... did you read anything that challenged your faith and caused you to question?
Yes, I did

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