I certainly get the impression that people will bemoan the contents of the NT as being a made up collection of fireside stories manipulated into evidence of Jesus by the early Church and henceforth proceed to deny any proof of the existence of Jesus.
Yet, when other documents turn up not referring to Jesus, or not referring to a holy man or political activist of peasant Jewish background around at that time come to light, they read them as �actual� evidence of the myth and �. Gospel truth! People will believe the evidence any way they see fit. If they don�t believe in religious figures, fairies, conspiracy theories, ghosts, spectres, the Bermuda Triangle, and poltergeists, then any evidence to support these they will scorn with rebuke and ridicule. If they read something which denies the existence, then they will interpret this as truth. It is subjective and people fortunately have the freedom of choice to believe it or not. It is the difference between truth and faith.
Even if an ancient Coptic jar was found in a cave containing a document written by someone in, say 30AD specifically stating the actions and word of a man called Jesus, many people would immediately rebuff it or assume it was a fake.