I'm trying to work out which year we got our first television set.
All I know is that my Dad bought it because there was a special match when Manchester United were playing.Might have been a cup final and was definitely in the 1950's.
Any help please?
my FIL was in electronics so in the early days he built his own TV (long before I knew him, of course). Wound all the coils by hand and all. Apparently it was the wonder of the neighbourhood and everyone came around to look at the test card
The only 'special' match I can think of in 1950s would be the 1958 one in Germany. That was the one where the air crash occurred as they were leaving Germany.
We had one of those craft, a man came round every week to empty it, and anything over a certain amount was given back to you. Mum used to save all the excess money and eventually she saved enough to buy a ordinary TV a 14" Bush.