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Can't Make My Mind Up

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nicebloke1 | 08:13 Fri 25th Oct 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

Looks a little grey out the window, do i go for a days fishing, half a day or give it a rest. <:●(



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Wait for gulliver to come along he will make your mind up for you.  He usually does.

Go for half a day!

yes - go and inflict some cruelty on the fish...

Do what your gut tells you.

Make a choice, it's yours.

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Good god you all got out the wrong side of the bed.<:▪︎) thks snowball, msy do if that sun peeps through. Happy days

Go for the half day, grey is good, white is bad so take advantage before the white takes over.

Question Author

Well time for my 2x coffee. Have a great day all.

You've probably made up your mind by now - but I would say go while its still mild.

Make the most of the warmth that we have at the moment.

Enjoy x

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