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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
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nice and bright here, the calm before the storm. In the light of day the paintwork seems to be okay so far. No dust on it - as usual all dust within a mile has gone up my nose.
Morning all
Sunny and breezy .Hope you all slept well .My computer has put it's clock back by two hours .Strange .
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you havent been blown out into the Atlantic, have you, shaney?
Morning all, well I've slept my extra hour away.

Yes shaney why can't people let it go? I've bever had any trouble with Germans, in fact I, they were so friendly and funny and they loved Mr N and me in Germany (and to be a bit honest I was worried cos Mr N is Jewish and he looks it) Some of the heavy pork shins were hard to swallow! Hija's best friend is German, and when she was at our house having tea, we had Dad's Army on, so I did think it best to turn it off. I never want to go to a beer keller again I had such a head!!
In the 70's Mr N got a job painting a big finca (a farmhouse) and we became friends with the German owner and used to live there when he went away, he told us he had been Hitler's Air attache but he only ever flew to Scotland, his name was Franz Cornelsen, a really nice man, he "looked" after us for years until he got too old and went back to live in Germany and then he died. He was a real gentleman.

I tell you, on this island if you had to choose between the Brits or the Germans, we would choose the Germans all the time.

Why are people still going on about it.
estic escrivint això en català només per veure si algun de vosaltres pot llegir, ja que és molt similar al francès.
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on arusaamatu
Vaig haver de fer servir el meu google translate sento Neti!

Hope you are all ok.The weather is lovely at the moment but I'm getting prepared.
Have a good Sunday.
Well done jude, that was clever of you, but jno, what are you on about??
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I translated my answer into Estonian knowing you'd be smart enough to put it into a translator that would change it back to Catalan.
deixar de presumir neti!

Mornun' moy luvvers...haha, that's yokelish. Not sure why, must be the taste of burnt toast. :)

My first encounter with a German person was the lovely lady who lived down the street when I was small. She was very tall, very blonde and very pale, not married, no children but motherly and kind, one of those people who made you feel safe. I thought she was fascinating. However the teenage German exchange students were a different story, they trashed our sixth form area (a bolt hole from the rest of the young rabble with coffee/drinks/music etc) while we were doing lessons and we almost lost our access to it.... I don't hold a grudge, lol. I don't have a problem with any nationality just as long as they don't have a problem with us.

Well the winds are gathering speed, please keep a look out for my best interlock drawers...I'm prepared for every eventuality, hopefully it won't lead to power cuts but I've stocked up just in case....oooh they don't 'alf cash in on people's insecurities don't they :) User Recommendation
hmmm, that's not the link I wanted...try again
haha, that last one could be the AB manual....I'm sure I've seen some of those topics covered in F&D and H&G
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getting windy out there, have hung stuff up on the rotating clothesline, which should get it dry quickly, possibly through the medium of flight.

oooh... I've fetched my washing in, it had wound tightly around the line so many times it looked like me on a rotisserie.
Good afternoon my little chipperbiddies!

Jno you fool, if you have ordered all those books, they will not be delivered in time, d'0h am I the only sensible one here!!!

Had a lovely lunch in Sant Rafel a tiny little hamlet, but they have cut down the menu lots, I was determined to have prawn cocktail (yes yes I know) but it was off menu, so Mt N and I shared endivias with rocaforte, then I had the most delicious fillet steak (we call it solomillo) and it was so edible! restored my faith in my teeth!

No sign of any storm here, warm, too bl**dy warm, calm and peaceful. But on the plus side the nights will be darker earlier and I will be soooo happy!!

Actually I like anyone no matter what their ethic origins are, but if they pi** me off then I do not like them. It has to be said that most of the locals (inb autjhority) of this island are not educated to the same level as most of the foreigners, and they are pretentious little sods. Dome private company has built a bus station, in Ibiza which is so small and claustrophobic, no loos or cafe, and the judge in Barcelona ruled that we all had to use it, it is dreadful so we are all fighting it, and to be awkward they have cancelled the oap's discount so we have to pay £5 return to the big city!!
Oooops can you tell that I have imbibed un poc de vin!!

I'll have you all speaking the catalan before I'm finished!
és incomprensible

yes juno I googled!!!
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well, I decided to go out to the harvest before the storm came, so here's this year's

You can actually taste them... most years they're just leather outside and wood inside, but after a wet spring and hot summer they're quite pleasant. That's only about a quarter of the crop, most of them were musty; I think the bunches got too crowded and grapes got squashed. I should probably have gone out in summer and pinched out every second grape... before going back inside and stuffing myself a mushroom or two.

But a bumper year for Chateau Jneau.

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