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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Oh lawdy, posts just flying off into nowhere!

Otra vez;

18.27 and it's dark, I love it is my moment to shine, and no I am not a star (yet)
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my spies tell me there is a shock on Strictly tonight but as I don't watch it this is meaningless to me. Let me know if anything interesting happens.
ooof, busy day. Went out shopping with my friend down the road this morning then came home and took the dogs out for a drive around and lunch out...wouldn't let them out of the car as it was REALLY windy and if one of them panicked and fled I would have been deep in the do do. Then came home and put the garden furniture and loose stuff away. Had a wonderful dinner, jacker potato, real one not a frozen one, with prawns and tex mex sauce and a whisky and ginger ale.
We are relaxing now, the dogs are full of dogfood and chicken.
If I am not around tomorrow, it will be because of a power cut, they are common round here in bad weather.
PS if you are near a Tesco, mine have an offer on camellia sasanqua which is autumn flowering and often scented. They are white with a pink flush and a big tassel of golden stamens, very pretty. Tesco have them in bud for £7 which is quite a deal as they are a choice variety.
My hatches are really battened down and I'm snuggled up in front of the telly. Oight Oight Biddy friends everywhere.
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good luck with the weather, Jude. According to the map it should be raining here now but it isn't. I hope it gets a move on, I want it over by tomorrow as the painter man's coming and I have to get my car to the garage for an MOT. Actually, I'm nost sure how I'm going to manage both of these anyway; OH will probably be pressed into service.
its raining here, quite heavily but not storming yet. We are Keeping Calm.
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raining quite hard here now but little wind. Apparently it'll get up to 50mph or so after midnight but be calm again by morning and it'll either be lightly cloudy all day (BBC) or raining all day (Accu).
Turned out a busyish day for me too .Picky turned up so was obliged to cook a roast .I don't mind really as he does odd jobs for us,replacing lightbulbs on the landing we can't reach and keeps Mr S entertained with football chat and games of kniffel .
Lovely grapes there Jno .My brother had a good crop this summer from his greenhouse and they were very nice and sweet.
It's very windy out there but dry as yet .I've got my tin hat, torch and prices candles on standby though .
Have a good night lovelies and keep safe .
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drizzling here with a light breeze. If I don't get my storm I shall sue Michael Fish.
have some of ours jno, its howling and rattling here and the rain is lashing down and this is only the beginning.
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I expect it'll be all over by morning. I slept through the 1987 one as well.
3.45 and calm outside. I've no idea if it's been and gone or on it's way. ;)
Good morning early biddies...Haha. My body thinks it should be outa bed, I spose I'll adjust by xmas.
Nothing here in the night, total silence. I'd gone to bed early cos I didn't feel good, came over faint at one point :( I didn't sleep too well so I know I didn't miss anything. Throw me some of those grapes please jno!
Good morning all, come on woofy, are you OK?

Am just watching it on the news, apparently most of the roads out of Eastbourne are blocked with trees, and the main road to my sister's.

Have to say I had such a weird dream, Sir Cliff Richard was in a cafe as was I but I was walking to Finchley from here and was late cos a policeman friend had been a guest overnight at my house and was in no hurry to leave, the next door neighbours had a pet ostrich, and the road was being repaired and was very muddy. It was 12.30 lunchtime, I remember that!

Hope you feel better Robi!
Just tired and a bit headachey neti, thanks. I think I was all out of sync with the time change and the stormy atmosphere didn't help either...I'll have a lolling day.

Ha, your dreams sound as weird as mine...and now I'm going to be singing this all day! Hope it works, I'm on my kindle...

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storm? What storm?

A blustery afternoon, an hour of steady rain about 10pm and that was it. There are fewer leaves on the lawn than most days; maybe a little gust dumped them on the neighbours.

Michael Fish, kindly await my breach of promise lawsuit.
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woofgang, your plea to the Ed has had a reply
i think we got everybody's share. it was wild and noisy just about from 10pm, at its worst between midnight and 3, still with plenty of ginger till 6am. today its bright and very windy but much less than last night. we are all fine. the dogs hardly slept which means that i havent either but thats not an issue, we can be lazy today.
talking of which....laters all
Morning all .
It's raining here atm and blowing a gale but it wasn't as wild a night as forecast .It should be heading out across the North Sea any time soon with any luck.I was just looking at the pictures on the news .I think the south coast bore the brunt of it .
This sort of weather does make me feel agitated though and I had a restless night . Hope you're all OK especially Woofy and the Woofers as it seems as if it was quite bad down that way.
As I type the sun has come out ...would you believe it !


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