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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Its not a pile but not sure may be a fissure. Ouch!
Morning all
Bit dull now after a lovely sunny start .Hope you're all Ok today .
That sounds painful Neti . Go to the medico and get it checked out .

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a fissure behind your belly button.... you continentals do have such ailments...

Yes, Robi's right, you need some padding User Recommendation

just don't lie down too suddenly or the popping will deafen you
Good morning all.We went out this morning, it was very nice, cold and breezy but dry and no storm. Now we are lolling.
Neti i hope you continue to feel better today...actually I hope that for everyone, we have been a bunch of collapsists lately. I should do housework today but Cba.
I'm still sitting here in my dressing gown .How very lazy !
I knocked myself out with 800mg last night and feel a bit zombieish now.
I really out to move myself and either
A Go to the High St
B Vacuum and tidy round
C Make another coffee .
Decisions, decisions ....
d, Shaney, summon the butler and let him make the coffee.
Brighter still and breezier now...decided in my infinite wisdom to shop early and miss all the ankle snappers (half term). Big mistake, brain not engaged if it ever to the PO to find I'd left the birthday cards for Australia at home. Now normally I'd have been a tad I went into complete meltdown and seriously considered having a full blown tantrum on the floor. I think I've invented some new swear words.

shaney try my option
E) order a handbag
No internet on laptop, phone OK.

Shaney I cannot go and wobble my nether regions at my young doctor and no I doubt he's seen it all before, and he probably wouldn't look I'd have to sit and drive for half hour to get to the hospital. I'll try every creme that air have.
There is thunder about and rain forecast.
didn't you have a fissure problem sous la poitrine Neti? It might be the same cause what with all the hot weather. Try an anti fungal cream, in the UK it would be canesten.
It's not there this time woofy, it is probably due to sitting in the pool for so long, but so painful atm.

Just had a terrific storm, no as bad as you had, which is why I had no internet! Some friends brought us some real strong cheddar cheese so we have just had a ploughman's lunch, really nice.

Meant to be going to a party today but not sure if I can be bothered.
i know its not in the same place, but might be the same cause
Probably is, soon be gone I hope!
mais non, je suis desole! James Spader doesn't look lke this any more and I did love him :(

I loved Andrew Mccarthy too and he still looks good
woofy did you write this review after a few lemonades? :)
I shouldn't laugh, someone has tried hard but got lost in translation...the last third is the best "Become informed......

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oh dear, that would have looked better in the original Catalan, Robinia. Get neti to run it through her translator if the storm hasn't knocked it out.
Ooh hunky men ..just what I need after mooching in the High St where I bought a set of three rake style combs ,I need one in each handbag ,a few things to eat and a newspaper.I couldn't make it to Morrisons so slummed in Iceland instead :)

♫Finchley Central is two and sixpence .. from Golders Green on the Northern Line ♫...grrrrrr....:)

Oooh yes ,I saw on the headlines on one newspaper that we're supposed to battered by a storm yet again .Mind you it was the Daily Rant ,so it must be true :)
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oh, is there more excitement on the way, shaney? It's supposed to be sunny here but perhaps they are saving the storms till the weekend.
Evening everybiddy. I hope overall your day has been good. I hope you are better now Neti and you're over your tanrum Robi. I have a good swear sometimes when I'm on my own and mad about something! The 'Fuffoowaffer' gets an airing now and again then.
I've been to Tai Chi and had a lovely relaxing morning. The went to lunch with my friends. This afternoon I've pulled my cooker out and cleaned all the sides and the floor.
That's all I'm doing housework wise today except for the usual washing pots etc.
I'm off now for a cuppa. Hope you all have a good night.
P>S> we escaped the hurricane.

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