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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
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Finchley Central, a pedant (not me) writes:

"The joke is that both Finchley Central and Golders Green stations are in fact very close together, barely two miles apart, so a short bus ride would be a lot more practical than a very long circuitous tube ride on two separate branches on the Northern Line."

Of course pricewise it's all the same with a Freedom Pass.
Lol..that's a blast from the past Robinia .I'll be singing in sync with you now .
aaargh ......ear worm :)
Hehe, I know..have you got a peg on your nose to get the voice?

Funnily yesterday I was reading a random blog about how, as a child, it had taken 45 minutes and 3 buses to visit his grandad but by car it would have been 15 mins at most. We took an hour and 3 buses to visit ours and didn't think anything of it.
I used to live in Golders Green, well Temple Fortune actually on Finchley Road, atill doesn't explain anything.

I feel a bit odd today, have taken off the loose (loose??) covers from the suite cos taking it to the laundry tomorrow, but I HAD TO STRUGGLE LIKE MAD, JUST NO ENERGY (sorry can't redo that) then had to take all the things from the shelves, and am now absolutely beggared!

Hi woofy I am glad you are OK.

I have just trodden on my best pair of glasses, one arm is way too high and a lens fell out but have re-inserted it, maybe that's why I feel dizzy!

Seems a tad cooler today and not half as sweaty as was.
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we have just started to get heavy rain and hail; maybe the storm has come back to apologise for missing us last night. Paitner man is trying to even out our walls before starting with the paint. OH is stuck on a bus in a mega traffic jam somewhere returning from dropping the car off for its MOT. I am sitting here playing patience. I do believe I have the hardest job of all as it is very difficult getting out at patience.
Hi all. I'm up and about after waking early. There is no hurricane here and I doubt we're going to get one now. I hope the rest of you haven't had any really bad storms.
Hope you're feeling better Robi. I used to walk from here with my son in his 'coach built' pram(cost me £2 from a young neighbour friend) and walked right to where my parents lived on the Markeaton Park side of town. Then I had to walk back. And I never ever drove him to school.
When I go to school now the 'dead end' road is packed with cars at home time. I'm sure the children can't live very faraway.
I've just arranged for the Pest Control people to definitely come and sort my loft out. I've asked them to go up into the loft and have a look because they have been twice and not looked, up to now, and I can still hear activity.
Off to have my lunch now. It's going to be a makeshift one, a veggie frittata and pork and apple sausages.
Have a good afternoon see yer later 'gaters.
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A man in his 50s was pronounced dead at the scene after a tree crushed a red Peugeot 307 at Lower High Street in Watford

That could have been my red Peugeot, not a million miles from Watford (Costco's up there). Awful.
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ooh Jude, I hope the pest people have firearms just in case there are any major mammals in the attic!
we have slept, we have eaten, slept again and eaten again and now the dogs are asleep again.
We were never driven to school, walked to primary school then took a bus to grammar. The only thing that i will say is that my mum didn't work so she had time to walk us to school when too little to go alone, and school was closer than it is for some of the kids round here.
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well, I've acquired my 200th best answer. The Milky Bars are on me!
I feel ill, my head feels twice the size and boiling, think I have piles of some sort in a strange place and my belly button hurts inside, managed to cook a dinner for Mr N, am in bed now and taking a ibruprofen.
oh dear Neti, drink plenty of fluid and I hope you feel better tomorrow.
Oh dear neti, that's a random mix of symptoms. Hope you feel better soon.

Yes jno, I noticed you've just added one...rorming?'s orming
Well actually the correct pronunciation is ormin'...'stop ormin abaht an do sommat useful'
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oh heavens, Jude's got bats in her belfry and neti's got piles in her navel. What a sorry lot.
I thought I had a bat in my fan but it turned out to be a blue tit

try saying that in cb
lol Robi. We are all ready for bed here oight oight.
so much for my early night, digs have decided that the garden is lovely tonight.....oh well.....oh look i have best answer!
Good morning, I feel OK today although nether region is very painful, no idea why!!

Meant to be going to a party today, son't know if we will or not.

Hope you are all OK and getting over the storm.
Morning all...hope you all had a peaceful night...bright (well on one side of the house it is, the other has dark clouds looming) and breezy here and much colder.
neti, have you been sitting on the cold doorstep? That's what they used to say didn't they? :) I think it can be a circulatory thing, put your feet up for a while and stop zooming around.

Hope you get rid of your pests Jude, whatever it/they is.

lol @ getting best answer
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lovely and sunny here, painter man has arrived and we have loaded him with more unexpected tasks.

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