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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Citizens-on-PATROL! sorry
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oh, I'm so glad your visitors (the unwanted ones!) are being attended to, Jude. It must be really unsettling having those running around you.
Yes indeed, not nice at all, we had them in the garage and that was bad enough.
I'm so worried. My neighbour still hasn't rung the pest people and she tells me she has found droppings in a drawer in her kitchen. I'm astounded and I'm ringing Derby Homes 2 day even if she falls out with me..
White rabbits
Poor Jude that is terrible.
We get lots of rats here but they are field rats, like big cuddly mice, we hear them running across the roof sometimes, don't mind them. Hate sewer rats, they just look evil.
very rubbery stik staggers in I wasn't out haunting all night. The nagging sinus headache I'd had turned to a monumental migraine yesterday afternoon. Body turned stone cold and I cocooned myself in the duvet and couldn't move til 8 o'clock cos I felt too sick. Managed a weak tea + tablets, slid out of 5 layers of clothes and into bed and finally thawed out when it was time to get up to drag the bin out. I have no swear words to cover it...I think we've all been cursed.

Jude do what you have to do re the rats, your neighbour's very inconsiderate and irresponsible if she won't play her part getting rid of them. I'm sorry you've got it to cope with it, one of my neighbours have had mice twice but have worked hard and spent a lot of money sorting it.

Hope a new month brings good health and better days for us all....garlic anyone?
jude that's ridiculous, what is she thinking?
My oldest sister is plagued with mice, she won't spend money and so buys cheap traps and so catches very few. They've come back again so middle sis is taking over, strange thing is my oldest sister is very clean and tidy with hardly any food around.

I have just saved a beetle from the pool, there was a wasp and two spiders but I only had a foam noodle and couldn't get them. The pool is still half full and stinky.

Have just steamed and hoovered the lounge carpet and washed our bedding. Mr N is at the moment moving all the TV wires, that is Sky and Spanish and I wonder if they'll ever work again!!

Am sweating but it is much cooler.

Poor Robi, hope you are not in line for bottom bursting, I went very cold for a while and then heated up.

Aw wwell coffee break is over, off I jolly well go!
Something to make you smile

Hello all
Bright and sunny but cold .I joined you back on the sofa Robinia ,couldn't get warm at all yesterday after my five yard dashes and shivered off to bed early with a hwb and Lemsip .I must pull myself together though as it's early doors for the market tomorrow .
I hope you get your unwanted visitors sorted pdq Jude .We get little field mice in the garden sometimes but I think they lead a very a short life and provide tasty snacks for next doors moggie :(
Lol..thanks for best answer Jno ....It's been quiet so far today just the odd gurgle :)
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I always feel that exploding bottoms should get some sort of reward
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Haha..that's hilarious .
House nearly sorted. Back is killing me. Sister is too mean to get anything or anyone to help.
oops must had a sit down and fell asleep. Must get the carpet in.
Almost done. Finished for the day. Have to iron lots of long curtains tomorrow, collect computer, college t loose covets and do the shopping. Only hope he goes golfing.
we have got fireworks again. dogs not too bad.
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we get about one bang a night here, but it sounds as though you have shootouts all the time down south, woofy.

Are they still predicting all the month's rain in a day for tomorrow? Perhaps that'll put a damper on the bangers.

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