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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Morning all
Dull but dry ,quite mild .Hope you're all ok .
Just having some imodium on toast followed by 600mg then I'm off to the market .See you later.
Morning shaney & all...good luck at the market, bring me some taters and a nice bit of fish please. Horrible grey day here but I had a decent night's sleep, very few fireworks and not a squeak from next door...just a mild headache hanging on.

Went to the (upstairs) loo on my way to bed last night, lifted the lid and sitting under the rim was a tiny frog!! Bless it's little heart, what an epic journey...caught it in a glass and seeing as it obviously likes living dangerously I posted it to Ibiza...haha
good morning, here lots of local fireworks last night. New meds work to an extent but dogs still unhappy boys, exhausted by the end of the evening, me too. Its a good day here today, we'll go out later.
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another quiet night... no monsoon yet but they're saying it might rain a bit after lunch
No fish van today.Crabs must be in short supply .
Sorry about that Robinia but I've got half a stone of potatoes which I don't mind sharing .Mozart variety .I expect they belt out eine kleine nachtmusik as you mash 'em .
And ...I have brussels tops ...whoopeee :)
shaney, its the weather, round us the boats can't get out.
We currently have bucketing down. again.
Oooh nooo Woofy's got out lovely and sunny here if somewhat windy .
The fish lady is on holiday ,so farmer Giles on the spud stall told me .
Hello, can't get in, internet being sod. Will keep trying, on on phone ATM.
yay I've finally got in! Hope shaney is OK today, it's a begger isnot it, I feel fine except I can't go now.

Have ironed all the full length curtains and rehung them, washed and mended the nets for the front door, hoovered through and found hija's bedding to send to BarÇa next week, tried to collect computer but shut, as yesterday was a fiesta so they are making a bridge of it. Did weekly shopping but the place was crowded, the first one we tried to get into was so busy the main road was blocked for miles, (being a fiesta yesterday and tomorrow) so we whizzed round a roundabout and shot off to the not so favorite supermarket which was busy but not half as much.

Am loving my new look lounge, but Mr N sits in here in the evenings and I want to now, but do not want to watch golf.

Have jsut broken into the "sweet shop" box of kiddy delights that I bought for xmas, just finished off the Love Hearts!!!

Woofy poor dogs, their ears are way more sensitive than ours so the bangs must be horrible for them.
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wow, Christmas really does come early to some parts of the world
I think we're about to miss xmas and be blown into next year, it's wild out there.

Oh dear, shame about the fish...never mind I've found a chunk of something in the freezer that looks like ex marine life. It'll be fine once I've resurrected it in a sea of cheese sauce.
Its getting wild here but no rain forecast. We have been out to the local craft store and had posh biscuits from Costas. The dogs really enjoy their ginger biscuits.
We've got sandwich steaks for tea for a treat. I get mine in a sandwich with onions, the boys get theirs chopped up in a bowl.
I don't eat a lot of red meat but I'll try those steaks if I remember...

Why do people let off fireworks in lashing rain and a howling gale? It's not an organised thing, just domestic...what a waste of money.
I don't either Robi. A roast occasionally when my sister is here and a decent steak sometimes, but I am fished and chickened out.
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ah well, settle down in front of the telly, there's something relaxing on tonight (in Oslo anyway)
Well, best answers are being chopped about, not sure I meant that, grrr getting like the newspapers here now!!

Just made macaroni cheese with salami for Mr N and myself, it's quick and tasty.

I love a good steak, had one last Sunday but do not risk them too often as they can be very chewy then I get disappointed. Mind you I'd love one again tomorrow but guess it'll be paella or something economical. "I haven't much money atm!" but he's starting work on Monday, so I get the house to myself all day, yay!!!!
Christmas may come early jno, but it'll be dark, hollow and sweetless in December and I'll regret it!!!
oday in one of the shops one of the women there said that I should join a gym, how old was I so when I told her she said Oh that's good lots of them there your age!!!

I was very indignant I do not want to be many of their age, I want to be the only one of my age.
xmas has just arrived again, have dipped into the tin yet again and eating a revoltingly nice lolly and parma violets! I will be sick!
Tut neti, don't come moaning to us with your head in bucket.

Haha, live stitch and b1tch...

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