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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
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when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Think I am on the mend, still feel yuk but have moments of energy so have put washing on, and swept the algrobas from the patio and have unecessarily mopped the lounge where he hasn't finished painting yet. Tummy is more solid now if you get my meaning, my pile, sore spot is still there but going down. I had to go out to take chair covers to laundry but Mr N took me in car and we stopped of for a coffee, and am now back in bed. Have disinfectanted everything in sight in case Mr N gets it.

Poor Robi, hope you buck up soon.

Thanks all of you. I do not think
this is anything to do with not having the fluy jab. Apparently most of the over 64's on the island will not have it!
Neti, if you don't REST you won't get better. Last year I still felt awful 10 days later so I went to get advice from the pharmacist. He said go home and do NOTHING of at least 24 hours, 48 is better and it fixed my remaining symptoms just like that.
Oh woofy, I know, but when I want to get and do things, then I have to. Am relaxing now and Mr N went off to golf, but it is peeing down now so he'll be home soon.
I do know, that's how I am as well. That's why i had an extra 10 days of feeling orrible!
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loving these poppy-to-poppy conversations
i know, sweet isn't it.
Oh jno popped in!!
What team of £$%&?! numpties decided to stop the brown(garden) bins in the middle of October?! The team who've probably never done any £$%&? gardening in their lives...too scared they might scratch their @*&^%$£ nail art. It's the busy season, tidying up and a right faff having to scrunch everything up to stuff it into a bag...don't they know gardening is my therapy?! It's what keeps me &^%$£@} sane!!

What's for tea? :)

*if we want a brown bin next yr we've got to pay £40...I don't know anyone who's going to.
We have to pay as well Robinia .Forty quid a year. Luckily the gardener takes a lot with him when he goes but It's so useful for the snippings .They've stopped collections here now for the winter but they still have my forty quid !
Don't despair ...I'm still debating on wether or not to pay the greedy vicar fifty quid !
On a brighter note ,I've just caught up with Michael Portillos new European Railway Journeys .He's in Spain this time ..brilliant .Do you think he'll bump into Neti :)
Oh ..for tea ? Sweet and sour chicken ,concocted by me with a jar of Uncle Bens sauce ,some chicken and rice ....I do add a bit more pineapple ,out of a tin
oooh, I love sweet 'n sour... I'm having an idle-booger-bung-it-in-the-oven dinner, too tired and achey to (wo)man handle pans. I've been sat sitting browsing an old home town group on FB, I've only just found it... some amazing old photos, some quite sad too.

Oooh, time fo Cagney & Lacey....
I've got slowcooker turkey stoo. I put it in this morning when I was feeling energetic.
Oh I am starving, good sign! Waiting for Mr N to come back and make his soup!

I've spent most of the aftrnoon in bed, feel loads better.
Alas Shaney, we have no trains here. It's on my bucket list, to lie in bed and hear a train in the distance.
For Neti
Love that Paul Simon, never heard it before, and I thought I was the only who wanted to hear a train in the distance d'oh!!

Shaney - Mr N has been watching Portillo's train journey and says it is fascinating, following an old travel book. So will have to try to download it.

He just made a lovley veggie soup in his soupmaker, 25mins start to finish, and it was very satisfying, but he flavoured it with cumin, which I would rather not have had, hope it stays down! But I ate a bowl full with lots of crusty bread, must be on the mend!!

All this fuss about garden rubbish, my garden is full of rubbish!
we are having a powercut which is boring. i buy data on my ipad so can pass the time till the battery dies
Help have locked my win 8 screen by pressing the square icon bottom right,now I can't unlock it,

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