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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
It's OK have plugged in an external mouse and managed to put it right, what a wally, was trying to see if my touchscreen worked, it doesn't!
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at the start of The Great Raiway Bazaar Paul Theroux says something like "I've never heard a train whistle without wishing I was on it". (The book is about his trip from Britain to Japan by train.) I sort of feel like that - but not in the company of Paul Theroux, please, he sounds a right snotty one, and he'd put me in his next book as an example of horrible fellow passengers.

I travelled on the Trans-Siberian right across Russia, though, 2 weeks, and finally got out in Helsinki.
jno some good friends of ours travelled on the trans siberian railway, you should hear the tales, must have been in the 50's or 60's, there was a Russian woman in every train with a samovar serving to the passengers, and when they got to Moscow (I think it was) the wife wanted to use her hairdryer so her OH unplugged a lamp and plugged in the hairdryer, and even before she had switched it on, the door burst open and a guard was demanding to know what they were doing, they said it was rather frightening!
we have power back, hoorah!
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yup, a babushka with a samovar in each carriage. She also had the keys to the individual compartments so we had to ask for the klyoosh every time we wanted to get in. The 2 weeks (included a couple of stops in Irkutsk and Novosibirsk) cost about £100 as I recall. Probably several thousand now as they've tarted the service up. Great trip, though. Fortunately midsummer, and even then there was still permafrost by the track in Siberia; must be mighty chilly in winter. You could spend a whole day chugging through wheat fields or birch forests.
Morning all....Happy AB anniversary to me! 10 years today...and I'm the star of google doodle. :)

How long would I serve for stuffing that apple in a toddler's mouth? It's warm in the nick isn't it, human rights and all that (ha! tell that to the energy companies)...and you get your dinner's starting to look like a plan.

Happy AB birthday Robinia and morning all
Dull ,cold ,raining .Bleugh.
Netis exploding bottoms have reached Norfolk .That's Lindt caramel chocolate off my list :)
good morning all. Happy anniversary Robi.
Shaney, I find that something which upsets me one time won't do it another time.

Fun and games in the dark last night. There we were sat quite peacefully then some fool starts up with fireworks. Shugh leapt onto my lap knocking over my glass of spritzer down the side of the settee. Fortunately it was a plastic glass and the liquid went neatly down the gap between settee and chair so i left it. Today's challenge should I choose to accept it, is to move the chair and the settee and mop up the mess.
The past really is a foreign country isn't it?
Where are Neti and Jude?
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painter man is done and dusted but leccy man will be in today in "mid-morning" which I expect means before 3pm (maybe). Fix stuffed lights, put in new security light outside and hall light inside, and put in little witches hats over the inset ceiling lights, to improve insulation.
oh dear shaney, it's not nice, hope it settles pdq. I really dislike Lindt choc, I've never understood it's popularity, but I don't think it's always what you eat that causes problems. My theory is when other inflammation happens (thanks to weather or exertion) it travels deep into your insides sometimes. When my hips scream my stomach/bladder go into overdrive.

Nice one jno, can you close the door now? Make sure the leccy man gets those the right way round or you could find yourself in the spotlight when you sneak downstairs to raid the xmas choccies in the night.

I expect neti is scrubbing away the 3 inches of grime that must have appeared while she was out of action for 24 hrs (sorry neti :))...and Jude will be searching squirrel recipes while she waits for the pest man.
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huh, no electricity man yet. We are going out tonight so he hasn't got much time to plug himself in and get round here.
Here I is - oh shaney poor you, I am quite fit today, been sorting and washing curtains, but do feel not quite! (I know woofy I know, but the hosue needs to be sorted) there am I lifting heavy cupboard and himself shouting "mind the paint" my shoulder giving way and me shouting "it's only f***ing white paint" that surprised him somewhat and he calmed down!

Apparently my Tesco Rapid boil recall kettle isnot the same model, there bottom's fall off, mine might but not the kettle's.

I haven't eaten Lindt for years, I do not like it, I only like cadbury's.
Computer's really playing, am on phone
I've just resurfaced after groaning on the sofa with a hot water bottle and blankie. I've had a boiled egg , two dry dutch rusks and Imodium .
I shouldn't have bought the damn stuff but they ask you at the counter in the paper shop .I always say no thank you but got carried away !
I'm my own worst enemy .I like any chocolate but it doesn't seem to like me :(
hello all, we had another power cut so went out for a picnic lunch and to get something cold for dinner. happily power back on but how long for?
yay hija has a job in online bookings for Travelodge, starts on Tues so fingers crossed everyone, and in shaney's case legs crossed too!! What a relief when it's over I can tell you, woofy told me 48 hrs and honestly I feel fine, I didn't take imodium cos didn't have any, and to be honest it usually bungs me up for days. Today I feel I would like to "powder my nose" but nothing happening!

Woofy, power cuts, we didn't get any during our storm which is most unusual, but my internet went off an hour before, we did unplug Sky and internet as they usually blow but all seems ok.

Big fiesta here tomorrow, the Day of the Dead, we will be carpet washing!!
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Day of the Dead, do they have a special float for ailing biddies?

I never heard of chocolate making you sick. I would have to kill myself if that happened to me and I could no longer eat mys taple diet.

Leccy man has come and done almost everything - just a new light in an awkward part of the ceiling to go, which will have to wait till next week. But the place is a lot brighter now all the malfunctioning sockets have been sorted.
Evening all. I'm not ignoring - you just been a bit busy. Here's a quick run- down.
Lovely 6 miler yesterday Findern to Etwall home about 4.30. then after dinner a walk with the Citizens-on- atrol with local Councillor, 2 policemen and 2 reps from Derby City Council depts. and 1 other lady who always comes every time and when she gets there she kisses every man that's there. I was the only resident who turned up. Interesting evening but I was cream-crackered and slept like a log.
This morning Pest Controller came and informed me I had rats not squirrels as the previous other P.C. said (the one who never had a look) He was disgusted that no one had inspected my loft and he gave it a thorough going over and left poison.Coming back in a week.
Then I had to clean everywhere etc. as I'm having a visitor for the weekend.
Happy 'Anniversary' Robi. Pleased you sound a lot better Neti. And a good Halloween everyone. Just been interrupted by my first 'trick or treater'.
Gave him a bag of biscuits and told him not to talk to any strangers. He said thankyou and he was meeting his brother in 5 minutes 'over there' and pointed to the corner of the close. I was happy then.
Time for another cuppa and a sit down. Laters 'gaters.

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