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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
back again after a lovely long sleep. When we go back to ed after a walk, I rely on the dogs to wake me if I have no appointments....well its normally between 9 and 10, today it was be it we will have a lovely lazy day.

OOO Robi, a kidney stone, don't they zap those with a big zaperator? Glad your docs are being helpful though.
Hello all
Lovely day .Quite mild and sunny .Hope you're all ok .
I was thinking that Robinia ,either that or gall bladder but didn't want to put the wind up you ! I think they can zap them or dissolve them these days with medication .
I had a vague pain in my side some while ago now and the doctor said it was gall bladder playing up and to eat less butter and fatty food .
He said it affects people who are fair fat and in their forties .I am neither fair and well over forty ... ...but I'm .....quite well built !
Lol jno, if it is a stone in there I'm hoping it's a diamond. Hope you get t'other eye done soon, hospitals are no fun. My first question today was 'if it's a stone will I need anything invasive?' ...thankfully not, it's either wait for it to pass if it's small or zap it if it's sizeable.
Lol @ matron shaney, I'd thought about a kidley stone and ruled out liver/gall bladder (wrong side) and it doesn't feel IBSish. Oh well, I'll shuttup whinging, wait for scan and KBO.
I had some lovely cuddles with a guide dog at the blood clinic which made me feel better, there's nothing like pat therapy :)...i asked if it was ok first of course
Found my ear worm btw ...I emailed that media company .They were very helpful .It was The Boy with the Arab Strap by Belle & Sebastian .I had no idea it was a song about a sex toy knew I'd it heard before and it's very catchy :)
shaney.....I wonder if the beeb know what it is!!!!

btw are we having a grotto this year?
Hello, have I been in before? I have no idea. Have been decorating (xmas) the house, but with the new arrangement in the lounge, I have no idea what to do. I don't go over the top. Have put up the outside red and gold tree (the feral cats are having a ball with the golden ones, driving me mad!) There is a small silver and green tree with a belen in the dining room and red candles with greenery and silver stars in the front room, still waiting for the chair to be removed before I can erect the main tree. Found a squashed box of crackers in the dec bag, so yippee, lots of crackers to pull.
Just cooking some sausage rolls, some mixed veg roasting, and we'll sobrasada on brown bread for dinner, yum. I so desperately wanted a glass of wine but it was only 2.45 so refrained, I am becoming an alky!!
.......and there was one!!!
hello all....had a bit of a wobbly here. I didn't hear anything but the dogs certainly did! Anyway they have settled quite quickly which is a relief. I was going to do some more decorating tonight but will have to stay settled down myself....oh well.
Oh woofy, what wobbly? lurkers in the garden??
.Hi Robi I missed your doctor's app, glad you've done it, hope it's not too bad.
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I think you just self-medicate these days, Robinia, standard treatment is to put the microwave on full power for 5 minutes and stand next to it with the door open.
no Neti, the usual bloody fireworks. Intruders in the garden would be seen off noisily and in short order.
good morning folks, how are you all?

Hope you feel better Robi, and hope isn't still stumbling and crashing around!
Shaney hope you are feeling OK with no screaming hips, and jude, hope your problems are clearing.

What is it with this new tinypic, can't get it to upload!!

Uploaded with [URL=][/URL]

does this work, it's the local xmas tree in out local square with the new fountain in the foreground.
Damn now imageshack has changed, grrrr!
Success, although it is very small.
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drat, I'll need another operation to see that properly. What's changed with tinypic?

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