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opening photos

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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
I am really doing christmas

more to follow
Oh shaney, so sorry, I hope she doesn't feel too bad and recovers quickly!

I can't do tinypic so cannot do Christmas!
I finally and forever heaved the armchair out of the double front doors, and rolled it to the other side of the patio. Put the xmas tree in it's place and am well pleased. Nothing sophisticated, multi-coloured tree, nice. One day maybe I'll be able to upload a piccy!!!
Neti, i will put it on FB
Have seen it woody, beautiful, love the wreathes, you are talented!
they are both ready mades neti! I added the decs to the green one and the other one was an early christmas gift from my friend down the road. I saw it in homebase when we were shopping and I really liked it but it was a bit expensive...anyway she nipped back and bought it for me!
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I might supplement my modest brown paper decorations with a little wreath or something
Ah so you are not uber talented then.
jno, you filmed my house!!!!
No Neti, not uber talented.....
Good morning biddies. Sunny and chilly here. Off to medico for blood test results.

Robi how are you today?
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still foggy here, it didn't lift yesterday. Yes, Robi, hope you're feeling more uppity
I am almost diabetic, so medico is treating me now so as not to get it, have to cut down on a hell of a lot of food. Totally confused dot com.
there go the sweetie fests Neti :(
Its grey here and we had fog again this morning.
For some reason I have stomach upset again.
I need advice on what I can actually eat, he says I can eat everything but just cut the portions in half (as if!!) Cut down on pots, rice, pasta, all beans, plus all the other stuff for cholesterol (which is in the acceptable level). I guess fish is best but I detest fish! Don't much like chicken unless it0s in a curry or with chips! Cannot use too much tomato frito (which is a runny tomatoey sauce which we use for most dishes here!) Have to take one tablet a stay, with all these tablets I'll be rattling! Also have nail fungus on toes, grr, how the hell did I get that?
Very nice jno, but had me dizzy after only a few seconds!

Shaney hope your SiL is recovering!
♫..Morning has broken...♫
Sorry, just listening to a bit of Cat...very grey and miz here so I thought I'd cheer up the neighbourhood

I love your xmas decor woofy, that bauble wreath is very glam. I was looking at some wreaths in tesco on my way back from the surgery t'other day. I think the greenery was real but it was a bit 'tired'...anyway I rested it on top of a bucket while I looked for a better one and it fell in...and it was full of water! so I left it with it's soggy ribbons and bows and sidled out of the shop. :)

Shaney I'm sorry to hear about your S-i-l, what a rotten shame and for her birthday. She's in the right place and hopefully they pumped the antibiotics into her quickly. Hope she gets better soon.

I'm feeling as my mum used to say 'no how', uncomfortable and tired, but thanks for asking :) Uppity? haha, now that I can be. ...just wondering who I can strike off my friends list today.

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tut, you must be letting the grass grow under your feet. I'll bet Jude doesn't sit still long enough for fungus to grow.
Neti, fungus infections can be a sign of high blood sugar.....that's slightly odd diet advice, can you access this website?
Thanks woofy just scanned that, well I'll carry on eating! My thyroid is fine, so that's one less worry. I read that nail fungus can be a result of a foot injury, which would explain it.
oh neti wasn't there when I posted....don't they send you to a dietician, they do here?
And you'll have to ditch the Uggs and wander round in flip flops all winter :)

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