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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
hello all, got up early today (10 am ha ha) well that's 8 am in my world because I get up at 04.15. go back to bed around 06.15 so 10 am is 8 am to me. Anyway had a blueberry muffin for breakfast which was lovely, I must arrange to have breakfast more often, normally i don't think of it.

That really is a tinypic neti,
Hello all
Lovely sunny day here after the fog lifted .Hope all Ok .
I'm doing household engineering but it's a slow process and it's cuppa time .
Yes that is a tinypic Neti .I had to use a magnifying glass .Poor Jno probably had to use a telescope:)

break time for me too, I realised, when I went to bed last night that the whole day I had only drunk one cup of coffee and two glasses of alcoholic fizz from M and S with my dinner (Mojito, rather good and only 5%) so today is rehydrate day, plenty of water and tea.
Hi All. 2 busy, happy days.Yesterday doctors in the morning. Tabs cut to 2 a day - brilliant! Back in another month. Then to Nottingham for Live at Lunch. The Trent college Choral Group sang lovely Christmas songs to us and we sang some Carols as well. The place was packed. Then to Bistro Pierre for lunch. When I got home I had stacks to catch up on. Today is has been Tai Chia then a bowl of soup and a roll at The White House. (Its a posh small restaurant near where my friend lives and it's painted white!!)
Now I'm back home and I've caught up with all your posts reading about all your 'activities' during the past week. I hope you're all ok expecially Jno hope your sight improves and Robi with your suspected 'diamond'. Hope it can be sorted easily.
I saw your Christmas Tree Square clearly Neti. I've got my tree up now and I keep looking at it and adding more decorations to it. It'll be toppling over if I'm not careful.
Now I'm waiting for Severn Trent Water to come and check my drainage, as advised by the Pest contol man, as one of the pipes isn't clearing through properly I don't want a real problem over Christmas do I.
Did any of you watch The Choir last night? That is becoming one of my must watch programmes. What do you think?
Right I'm up to date now so have a good rest of the day everybiddy.
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bah, I was just starting to feel fit and healthy and then Jude hurtles by, putting me to shame. I hope there's no problems with the drains, Jude, you're right, midwinter is not the time to start backing up.
what was that whirlwind??? oh it was jude!
No whirlwind here, very slow. Have now decorated the rest of the lounge (I realised I had only done 3 sides!) put up the main xmas tree but it wouldn't stand up for love or money, I know it had one wonky foot, but this was ridiculous, so I got some packaging tape and wound it round and round the feet, then went into the other room and saw the correct feet sitting on the settee! So all that had to be undone and right feet put on and hey ho it stands up, so ha ve decorated it and lights et al, looks good, trouble is, it is still in hija's room cos the damned chair hasn't as yet been moved. I had to go to the PO today and had to wait one and a half hours to get served. Onbe woman was actually buying a box and packing it at the counter with the assistant helping, so after half and hour, we all objected and she had to move all her stuff onto the floor and proceed to pack, repack and whatever else she was doing. Again I was apoplectic!! Had 2 quick cups of coffee with my gay friend, then had to go to medico for hija, as she needs a thyroid test, so medico and I arranged it all bypassing the ignorant and jobsworthy receptionists!

Mada a quick spag bol for tonight. You can tell it's xmas as Mr N has a face as long as whatever and is not pleased! Git!!
Hi jude, yes you certainly put us all to shame with dashing through the snow on a one horse, ooops sorry, got slightly carried away there!! Dashing through the hallowed halls of biddydom. Jusr realised that all I have eaten today is one slice of toast and marmelade at 9.30 and two glasses of coffee!
And jno! No, look over here, not there, that's better! Tinypic has been beggaring about on my computer for about a week now, I cannot get the secret code to upload anything, just does not appear, so I downloaded the new version V13.16b which is like Nero for downloading, I can get the piccy where it should be, but nothing after that!!
Oh woofy I have been trying to upload that for a week, still can't do it.
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nice to see woofy kicking ass in R&S, so I hereby award her a best answer
thanks jno, what a fuss about nothing!
Hello all
Nice sunny morning after the fog cleared .Real pea souper when I surfaced at around 6 ish to make tea .Fog horn blasting .Took 800mgs though and went back to bed ,Now I feel like something the cat brought in and refused to eat .
Hope you are all Ok though .
Lol Woofy .....some of 'em should stand for parliament .They blow enough hot air .
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still foggy here, shaney, the low cloud is probably going south for the winter. But there is a bit of blue sky peeking through, or possibly yellow, depending which eye, and it's probaby a nice day at 30,000 feet.
we had a pea souper here too which has cleared to a bright and chilly day. Better start doing stuff.
Morning all, rather chilly here too, am loving it!

Been arranging a memorial for my friend, her family are so upbeat it's wonderful.
Evenin was a bright day once the mist cleared & the washer did it's job, hurrah! It didn't dry outside though...Oh well. No whirlwind here, It's taking me 10 times longer to do everything, I'm so weary. I'd kick some butt if I had the strength, Mrs Demanding annoyed me big time this morning so I hereby withdraw my services as her listening ear (just because someone's 80ish & disabled doesn't give them the right to be horrid...does it?)
Hope you're all in a better mood than I am, haha...keep taking the tablets/alcohol where necessary.
Bad news at Shaneytowers . My SiL is in hospital .The day before her 80th:( She went down with a cold since the weekend which has turned into a nasty chest infection .The doctor sent her to A&E and they've kept her in because of her dicky heart and weak lungs which are scarred from TB.

Good decision Robi, we, all of us only have so much patience to give and it sounds like you have given her more than her share.

Shaney how horrible for her and for you. I will add her to my prayers.

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