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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Have you tried puttung you postcode in Robinia ?
It'll be a while before they roll it out across the country as a whole though.
I doubt we'll ever get it though as they're doing it through Ocado and they won't come this far east !
Did you know Iceland do online as well now ?
It doesn't really affect us as we have both within walking distance but it's handy to have if the weather is bad .
That dog is so sweet, look at his face!
Lol..he looks as if he's smiling .
I know, he made me really LOL...when I first moved here someone down the road had one, it was lovely...

Yes, I know Iceland do online but I don't buy so much from there now, it's more of their own brand which is very hit and miss, but they do some Aunt Bessie's and Birds eye, and their detergents, daz, fairy, etc are often on a good offer. I don't live far away either so my trolley does the job but when I was first struggling with the fibro they were a godsend with their free delivery...I quite enjoyed filling a trolley and saying "please bring it round my good man" :)
errrmmmm, excuse I... !!!! Who pinched me angel teddy?! He was on his way with a boxful of dreams....

can you see my avatar?
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ooh no, he's gone, even in your profile. Conscripted by elves to do some work, no doubt.
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oh, she's back, along with one or two other avatars that had vanished. They probably bumped the off switch by accident while putting up the decorations at Gravatar.
I can see your avatar Robi
aaahh yes, there he is...he must have dropped into De Beers to pick up some bling for me.
No internet on computers, chip pan knocked off shelf outside on back patio, no BBC or ITV so can't watch the soaps, fed up. On the other hand Mr N has gone to pick up the telly and bought home local bread and sobrasada. Yum
Hi all. What a lovely day. Weatherwise and everything. Steadier came and we walked down to The Castle and had a lovely walk round. We never stopped talking. We swapped Christmas presents and agreed to meet up in the Summer holidays when he's off school.
He's gone now and I'm watching UC snug and warm and I can hear the wind howling.
Hope you are all ok and you have a good night.
Just got internet back! Don't like new TV!

Off to bed

oight oight
What's wrong with the teevee Neti ?
Sounds like you had a lovely day Jude .It was nice here too weatherwise but now it's blowing a gale out there so I'm off to bed with a herbal, hottie and book.
Early doors tomorrow for the market .Goodnight all sleep toight .
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Marks and Sparks 30% off all clothes tomorrow, might stroll in and have a look.
I'm fed up of listening to this howling wind and it looks like more of the same for at least the next five no more sleeps to xmas then.
Bah humbug
oof, difficult busy day now a noisy night.....
Morning all
Dark and very windy out there .It's been rattling all night . First day of winter and I see Mr Google is knitting a scarf .
Hope you're all ok .Better go and tidy myself up and have some brekkie .I don't want the farmers to think I'm standing in for a scarecrow .
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blustery out there, isn't it.

Lucy and her mum staying the night tonight as they're in town for a Boyzone gig and an hour or two at Harvey Nicks. I suppose this means tidying up. Unfortunately my PAs have emptied the back account and flown off first class to New York so I can't get them to do it.
Morning all...for a while I thought it was going to be a nice day but the sun's gone & the wind's returning. Managed to somehow sleep 'til 5am, I'd been in bed two hours when I posted last night, I'd come over all funny (and I don't mean funny haha) and shaky/shivery.

lol shaney, I think Google's done it especially for us...don't go squeezing all the tomatoes.

Boyzone, oh yes, they're back together...aren't they all Dadzone now?
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oh so that's what Google's doing.... I saw it last night (ie at about 00:02) but it wasn't moving, so it just looked lilke coloured squiggles, couldn't make out the hands or needles at all.

Dadzone, well I see the Stones are now great-granddadzone, how depressing.

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