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jno | 02:24 Tue 27th Mar 2007 | Computers
2161 Answers
when I click on a photo in My Pictures it insists on opening in Adobe Photoshop Album Starter Edition 3.0 (I didn't even know I had this but I assume it came with Photoshop Elements 3). I'm given the option of opening in Windows Picture Viewer, which I want (quicker and less 'noisy' to look at), but have to do it every time. Where can I change the default to Picture Viewer? I've got Windows XP.


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Isn't The Full Monty a brilliant film?
23:13 Sun 19th Jan 2014
Morning all. TV is lovely now, we put in a scarf adaptor to tskt 2 plugs and was a cheap one, so today de found we did not need it, so all's well and 26" is in our bedroom with earphones so am ready for Xmas viewing.

Been shopping and got lots of goodies and even a ftrsh turkey which I hope will not go off beforehand. 4 kilo one for 12€ as against 4 kilo one from butcher 50€.
Obviously not a scarf a scarf plug
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adapted scarves are the best
...hmmm, I seem to have spotted a couple of things in the M&S sale...I'll tell them to pop them on your bill jno if you're going in there...
You need some onions with that scarf, shaney will be bringing some back from the market shortly.

I keep losing my connection, I suppose all last night's revellers have just got up and realised they haven't done any shopping yet.
Lol...I think you mean scart Neti :)
It was freezing in that hangar this morning but I'm a happy Shaney with me brussel tops and I got some sprouts on the stalk,spuds etc and the lovely bread and rolls .Talking of which I think I'll have one with bacon ....
My machine is on a go slow today Robinia for some reason .It keeps bombing on me .I'm annoyed now M&S have 30% off and I don't want anything !
Yes ,I have a few onions that Neti can have .I wonder if she wants some parsnips to go with them .
ah go on shaney, force yourself, you'll find something :)
I only recently bought two jumpers ,slippers and jimjams .I'll have a browse .Mr S might want something perhaps .If he does I can probably slide an odd item onto his card
I like those Woofy .Pretty colour .
ooh, they're lovely woofy, you could jazz up a really plain outfit with those if you were going somewhere special...
I'm just going round again to look at the things I missed when I was elbowed out of the way by you two :)
I have no posh outings in mind but just liked the bag and scarf and at that price, you can't say no.
Yesterday was one of "those" days. We went out planning to shop and lunch and the costas we went to had run out of sandwiches and rolls so we just had a drink and came home for lunch. One of my friends called and said was there any chance I could help her to put a bit of ikea furniture together so after late lunch, left the dogs with Sis and went round there and struggled and swore for a couple of hours. Sorted that, came home with a thundering headache and then the weather kicked off. Dogs not in full panic but not happy so spent the night on the couch with the TV on to keep them calmish. Weather here has been stinking all wonder I needed to shop.
Finally sitting down. Had to remop the greasy outide patio and wash all the mopheads and towels etc, but done now, yuk what a mess that was. Nice to have internet back again, the new telly is lovely.

Hija's room all sorted, nice and clean with a fresh bed and electric blanker on (airing for a bit), cat is desperate to get in there to lay on the warm but I am standing firm and have shut the door.
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can't get to M&S as it's blowing a hooley out there and due for rain all day. I will just have to wait for their summer sales, probably in February.
It's been a lovely clement day today. I am green with envy at the sales you lot have on before Xmas, we are not allowed here!

They have also recinded the abortion law here and I am really annoyed, not that I'll ever need one, but think it is up to the woman not the government to decide.

Here endeth my lesson!
use t'internet jno!!
Blowing a hooley here too...keep a look out for a low flying bouncy castle, I spotted a van not far away from here (are they mad?!). It's just what the ankle snappers need this time of year...6 mars bars, a bowl of trifle, a glass of grandma's egg nog and a good shake up....! :)
and neti's washed her mops.....
mop head, towel and tea towels, and I think they are clean now, as am I. Watching Strictly in bed with the big Tv, it's lovely.

Are you and sis having a lovely time woofy, I wish I were with my two sisters for xmas.

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